Creating Tables in Adobe Illustrator


Creating Tables in Adobe Illustrator
Creating Tables in Adobe Illustrator

Tables are a versatile tool for organizing and presenting information in Adobe Illustrator. They can be used to create layouts for brochures, presentations, or any other type of design that requires structured data presentation. While Adobe Illustrator doesn’t have a dedicated table tool, you can create tables using various methods, including drawing individual cells, using the Rectangular Grid Tool, and importing tables from other applications.

Method 1: Drawing Individual Cells

This method involves creating individual rectangles for each cell in the table and then grouping them together. It’s a straightforward approach for simple tables but may become tedious for larger tables.


  1. Create the Rows and Columns: Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw horizontal and vertical lines to create the table’s rows and columns.
  2. Adjust Cell Size: Use the Selection Tool (V) to resize the cells to the desired size. Hold down the Shift key while dragging to resize proportionally.
  3. Group the Cells: Select all the cells and choose Object > Group. This will create a single object for the entire table.

Method 2: Using the Rectangular Grid Tool

The Rectangular Grid Tool allows you to create a grid of rectangles, making it a more efficient approach for creating tables with multiple rows and columns.


  1. Select the Rectangular Grid Tool: Click the Rectangular Grid Tool icon from the Toolbar or press Shift + M.
  2. Set Grid Properties: Open the Rectangular Grid Options dialog box (Window > Rectangular Grid Options). Specify the number of rows and columns, the grid size, and the desired alignment for the cells.
  3. Draw the Grid: Click and drag on the artboard to create the grid. The grid will be filled with rectangles corresponding to the specified rows and columns.

Method 3: Importing Tables from Other Applications

If you have a table created in another application, such as Microsoft Word or Excel, you can import it into Adobe Illustrator. This is a more efficient approach for tables with complex data or formatting.


  1. Create a New Document: Open a new Illustrator document and set the desired dimensions for the table.
  2. Choose File > Place (Command/Control + D). Select the table you want to import and click Open.
  3. Position and Scale the Table: Use the Selection Tool (V) to reposition the table on the artboard. Hold down the Shift key while dragging to resize proportionally.
  4. Adjust Table Properties: If necessary, adjust the table’s appearance using the Appearance panel to apply fills, strokes, and effects.


Creating tables in Adobe Illustrator offers flexibility and control over the table’s appearance and layout. Whether you prefer drawing individual cells, using the Rectangular Grid Tool, or importing from other applications, Illustrator provides tools to create tables that meet your specific needs and design style.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.