Creating Text Boxes in Adobe Illustrator


Creating Text Boxes in Adobe Illustrator
Creating Text Boxes in Adobe Illustrator

Text boxes are essential elements for adding text to your designs in Adobe Illustrator. They provide a designated area for placing and formatting text, allowing you to create clear and visually appealing typography. Whether you’re adding headings, body text, or callouts, text boxes ensure that your text is organized and integrated seamlessly into your illustrations.

Creating Text Boxes with the Type Tool

To create a text box using the Type Tool, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Type Tool: Click the Type Tool icon from the Toolbar or press T on your keyboard.
  2. Position and Create the Text Box: Click and drag on the artboard to create a text box of the desired size and shape.
  3. Type Text: Type the desired text into the text box.
  4. Format the Text: Use the Character panel to adjust font, size, color, and alignment of the text.
  5. Resize the Text Box: Use the Selection Tool (V) to resize the text box as needed.
  6. Transform the Text Box: Use the Transform panel to apply precise transformations to the text box’s position, size, and angle.

Formatting Text with the Character Panel

The Character panel provides extensive options for formatting text in Illustrator. Here’s how to use the panel:

  1. Access the Character Panel: Click Window > Character.
  2. Choose Text Font: Select the desired font family and style from the Font family and Font Style drop-down menus.
  3. Set Font Size: Adjust the font size using the Font Size slider or by typing in a specific value.
  4. Apply Text Color: Click the Fill color box and choose the desired text color from the color picker.
  5. Align Text: Choose the desired alignment for the text (left, center, right, or justified) from the Align options.
  6. Apply OpenType Features: Access advanced features like ligatures, fractions, and small caps using the OpenType menu.

Adding Effects to Text Boxes

Illustrator offers various effects to enhance the appearance of text boxes, including shadow, stroke, and glow. Here’s how to add effects:

  1. Select the Text Box: Use the Selection Tool (V) to select the text box.
  2. Apply Effects: Click the Effects panel. Click the Add New Fill or Stroke button to add a fill or stroke to the text box. Adjust the effect options as desired.


Mastering the creation and formatting of text boxes in Adobe Illustrator is essential for creating visually appealing and well-structured designs. By using the Type Tool, Character panel, and Effects panel, you can add text effectively to your illustrations and enhance their overall visual impact.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.