Downloading Adobe Illustrator on Chromebook


Downloading Adobe Illustrator on Chromebook
Downloading Adobe Illustrator on Chromebook

Unfortunately, Adobe Illustrator is not officially available for Chromebooks. This is because Chromebooks run on Chrome OS, a Linux-based operating system, and Adobe Illustrator is not compatible with Linux.

However, there are a few workarounds that you can use to run Illustrator on a Chromebook.

Method 1: Using Crouton

Crouton is a tool that allows you to install a GNU/Linux operating system alongside Chrome OS. This means that you can run Illustrator in a Linux environment on your Chromebook.

To use Crouton, follow these steps:

  1. Enable Developer Mode on your Chromebook:
  • Open the Chromebook settings.
  • Click on About Chrome OS.
  • Click on More info.
  • Under Build number, click on the number repeatedly until you see a message that says, “You are now a developer.”
  • Restart your Chromebook.

2. Install Crouton:

3. Execute the Crouton script:

  • Open a terminal window.
  • Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the Crouton script.
  • Run the following command:
sudo sh -r -t [lubuntu,xfce4,xubuntu]

Replace [lubuntu,xfce4,xubuntu] with the Linux distribution you want to install.

4. Reboot your Chromebook:

  • When the installation is complete, you will be asked to reboot your Chromebook.
  • After the reboot, you will be able to select your Linux distribution from the sign-in screen.

Method 2: Using Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform that allows you to run virtual machines. You can use GCP to create a virtual machine running Linux and install Illustrator on it.

To use GCP, follow these steps:

  1. Create a GCP account:

2. Create a Compute Engine instance:

  • In the GCP Console, go to Compute Engine > VM instances.
  • Click on Create Instance.
  • Select the Linux/UNIX operating system.
  • Select the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS image.
  • Configure the instance settings as desired.
  • Click on Create.

3. Install Illustrator:

  • Once the instance is created, connect to it using SSH.
  • Install Illustrator from the Ubuntu Software Center.

Tips for Using Illustrator on a Chromebook

  • Performance: Running Illustrator on a Chromebook will be slower than running it on a traditional PC. This is because Chromebooks have less powerful hardware.
  • Storage: You will need to have enough storage space on your Chromebook to install Illustrator and your files.
  • Security: Be careful about what files you open in Illustrator, as some files may contain viruses or malware.

By following these tips, you can use Illustrator on a Chromebook, even though it is not officially supported.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.