How to Change Artboard Color in Adobe Illustrator


How to Change Artboard Color in Adobe Illustrator
How to Change Artboard Color in Adobe Illustrator

The artboard in Adobe Illustrator serves as the foundation for your artwork, providing a canvas upon which you create your designs. While the default artboard color is white, you can customize it to match your project’s aesthetic or enhance visibility. Here’s how to change artboard color in Adobe Illustrator:

Step 1: Open Adobe Illustrator

Launch Adobe Illustrator and open the document containing the artboard you want to modify. Ensure you have selected the artboard itself, not any objects within it.

Step 2: Access Artboard Properties

Navigate to the Artboard menu (Windows) or View menu (macOS) and select Artboard Tool. This will activate the Artboard Tool, which allows you to manipulate the artboard properties.

Step 3: Modify Artboard Color

While the Artboard Tool is active, right-click the artboard and select Artboard Options from the context menu. This will open the Artboard Options dialog box.

Step 4: Select Fill Color

In the Artboard Options dialog box, locate the Fill section. Click the color swatch next to the Fill Color option to open the Color Picker.

Step 5: Choose Artboard Color

In the Color Picker, select the desired color for your artboard. You can choose from a variety of color palettes, including CMYK, RGB, HSB, and swatches.

Step 6: Confirm Color Change

Once you’ve selected the desired color, click the OK button to close the Color Picker and the Artboard Options dialog box. The artboard’s color will now be updated to the chosen color.

Optional: Adjust Transparency

If you want to partially see through the artboard, you can adjust its transparency. In the Artboard Options dialog box, locate the Opacity section and drag the slider to adjust the transparency level.

Step 7: Save Changes

Save your Illustrator document to apply the artboard color change permanently. Your artboard will now have the desired color, enhancing the visual appeal of your project.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.