How to Change Object Color in Adobe Illustrator


How to Change Object Color in Adobe Illustrator
How to Change Object Color in Adobe Illustrator

Changing the color of objects in Adobe Illustrator is a fundamental skill that you’ll need to master. Whether you’re creating a simple logo or a complex illustration, using the right colors can make your artwork stand out and convey the desired message.

There are three main methods for changing object color in Illustrator:

Using the Tools Panel

The Tools panel is located on the left side of the Illustrator workspace and provides quick access to essential tools, including the color picker. To change the color of an object using the Tools panel:

  1. Select the object whose color you want to change.
  2. Click on the “Fill” color box in the Tools panel.
  3. The Color Picker will appear. Select the desired color from the color picker, or enter a hex code or CMYK values for a more precise color selection.
  4. Click “OK” to apply the color change.

Using the Swatches Panel

The Swatches panel is a collection of predefined colors that you can use to quickly apply colors to objects. To change the color of an object using the Swatches panel:

  1. Select the object whose color you want to change.
  2. Open the Swatches panel (Window > Swatches).
  3. Click on the desired color swatch.

Using the Color Picker

The Color Picker is a more comprehensive tool for selecting and creating custom colors. To change the color of an object using the Color Picker:

  1. Select the object whose color you want to change.
  2. Double-click on the “Fill” or “Stroke” color box in the Tools panel or the Swatches panel, or right-click on the object and select “Fill Color” or “Stroke Color” from the context menu.
  3. The Color Picker will appear. Use the color picker to select the desired color, adjusting hue, saturation, and brightness. You can also enter hex codes or CMYK values for a more precise color selection.
  4. Click “OK” to apply the color change.

In addition to these main methods, you can also use the Eyedropper tool to sample colors from other objects in your document or from the artboard.

Using the Eyedropper tool

  1. Select the Eyedropper tool (I) from the Tools panel.
  2. Click on the object whose color you want to sample.
  3. The color of the selected object will be applied to the currently selected object.

Changing object color is a fundamental skill in Adobe Illustrator, and it’s essential for creating visually appealing and effective designs. By following these methods, you can easily change the colors of your objects and enhance the overall impact of your artwork.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.