How to Cut Letters in Adobe Illustrator


How to Cut Letters in Adobe Illustrator
How to Cut Letters in Adobe Illustrator

Cutting letters in Adobe Illustrator is a versatile technique that can be used to create various effects, such as creating cutouts, adding textures, and designing typographic elements. There are several methods for cutting letters in Illustrator, each with its own advantages for specific tasks.

Method 1: Using the Knife Tool

The Knife tool is a powerful tool for creating intricate cutting paths and cutting out letters in Adobe Illustrator. It allows you to draw freehand cutting paths across letters, creating precise cutouts in various shapes and patterns.


  1. Select the Knife tool (X) from the Tools panel.
  2. Click and drag the Knife tool over the letters you want to cut.
  3. Adjust the cursor options in the Options bar to control the Knife tool’s behavior.
  4. Click on the two endpoints of the last cutting path to complete the cut.

Method 2: Using the Divide Tool

The Divide tool is a more precise method for cutting letters into multiple pieces in Adobe Illustrator. It allows you to divide letters into a specified number of segments, creating repeatable cutouts and patterns.


  1. Select the Divide tool (Shift+X) from the Tools panel.
  2. Click and drag the Divide tool over the letters you want to cut.
  3. Adjust the division count in the Options bar to specify the desired number of segments.
  4. Release the mouse button to complete the division

Method 3: Using Pathfinder Panel

The Pathfinder panel provides a non-destructive method for cutting letters in Adobe Illustrator. It allows you to combine or subtract letters from one another, creating complex cutouts with multiple layers.


  1. Create the letters you want to cut and arrange them as desired.
  2. Open the Pathfinder panel (Window > Pathfinder).
  3. Click on the desired Pathfinder operation, such as Divide or Exclude, to cut the letters according to the selected option.

Method 4: Using Shape Builder Tool

The Shape Builder tool is another non-destructive method for cutting letters in Adobe Illustrator. It offers more intuitive control compared to the Pathfinder panel.


  1. Create the letters you want to cut and arrange them as desired.
  2. Select both the letters you want to cut and the shape you want to use as the cutting boundary.
  3. Click on the Shape Builder tool (Shift-M).
  4. Click and drag within the cutting boundary to cut the letters.

Additional Tips:

  • Use the Selection tool (V) to adjust the position and orientation of the cut pieces after the cutting operation.
  • Use the Free Transform tool (Ctrl+T) to further manipulate the cut letters, such as scaling, rotating, or skewing them.
  • Combine different cutting methods to achieve the desired cutout effect.

By following these methods and tips, you can effectively cut letters in Adobe Illustrator and create stunning typographic designs.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.