How To Fix Pixelated Video in Premiere Pro


Pixelation, the appearance of blocky or distorted images, can significantly detract from the quality of your video production. In Premiere Pro, pixelation often arises due to factors such as low-resolution source footage, upscaling beyond the original resolution, or compression artifacts. Fortunately, there are several techniques you can employ to fix pixelated video in Premiere Pro and restore its visual clarity.

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Method 1: Utilize Sharpening Effects

  1. Identify Pixelated Regions: In the Source Monitor or Program Monitor, identify the specific areas or clips that exhibit pixelation.
  2. Apply Sharpening Effect: In the Effects panel, search for “Sharpen” or go to Video Effects > Transform > Sharpen. Select the appropriate sharpening effect, such as Unsharp Mask or Sharpen Edges.
  3. Adjust Sharpening Settings: In the Effect Controls panel, adjust the sharpening settings to achieve the desired level of sharpness without over-sharpening, which can introduce artificial artifacts.
  4. Preview and Fine-tune: Preview the sharpened video to assess the impact of the sharpening effect. Fine-tune the settings to achieve a balance between removing pixelation and maintaining natural image quality.

Sharpening effects can effectively enhance the perceived sharpness of pixelated video, but it’s important to use them judiciously to avoid creating artificial sharpening artifacts.

Method 2: Enhance Detail with Upscaling Techniques

  1. Identify Upscaling Needs: Determine if the pixelation is caused by upscaling beyond the original resolution. If so, consider using dedicated upscaling software or AI-powered upscaling tools.
  2. Utilize Upscaling Software: Import the pixelated video into upscaling software and choose the desired output resolution. The software will employ algorithms to analyze and enhance the detail in the video.
  3. Export and Replace Footage: Export the upscaled video and replace the original pixelated footage in your Premiere Pro project.

Upscaling tools can effectively increase the resolution of pixelated video, but it’s important to ensure that the upscaling process doesn’t introduce unwanted artifacts or loss of detail.

Method 3: Consider Specialized Noise Reduction Tools

  1. Identify Noise Affected Footage: Determine if the pixelation appears like noise or grain in the video. If so, consider using specialized noise reduction plugins or software.
  2. Apply Noise Reduction Plugins: In Premiere Pro, search for noise reduction plugins like Grain Removal or Reduce Noise. Apply the plugin to the pixelated video clip.
  3. Adjust Noise Reduction Settings: Fine-tune the noise reduction settings to minimize noise or grain while preserving essential image details.
  4. Preview and Refine: Preview the noise-reduced video to assess the impact of the plugin. Refine the settings to achieve a balance between noise reduction and detail preservation.

Noise reduction tools can effectively remove noise or grain from pixelated video, restoring a cleaner and sharper appearance.

Additional Tips

  • Prevent Pixelation at the Source: Use high-resolution source footage to minimize pixelation issues from the start.
  • Optimize Import Settings: Ensure that Premiere Pro’s import settings are optimized for the resolution and format of your source footage.
  • Utilize Proxy Workflows: Consider using proxy workflows to edit and preview high-resolution footage without compromising performance.

Remember, addressing pixelation requires a combination of preventive measures and effective editing techniques. By employing the methods outlined above, you can effectively reduce pixelation and enhance the overall quality of your video production.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.