How to Make Text Bigger in Adobe Illustrator


How to Make Text Bigger in Adobe Illustrator
How to Make Text Bigger in Adobe Illustrator

In the realm of graphic design, Adobe Illustrator stands as a powerful tool for creating visually compelling layouts and illustrations. One of the essential elements in design is text, which can convey messages, add context, and enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of a project. Whether you’re crafting a marketing brochure, designing a website, or creating a captivating poster, understanding how to effectively scale your text is crucial.

Two Simple Methods for Enlarging Text

Adobe Illustrator offers two straightforward approaches to increase the size of your text:

Using the Character Panel:

The Character panel (Window > Type > Character) provides a detailed interface for adjusting various text properties, including font size. To enlarge your text using this method, follow these steps:

  • Select the text you want to enlarge using the Selection tool (V).
  • Click on the Character panel to access its options.
  • Locate the “Font Size” field and enter the desired font size in points. You can also click on the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the font size incrementally.

Free Transform Tool:

The Free Transform tool (E) allows you to scale text objects by dragging their corners or edges. To resize your text using this method, follow these steps:

  • Select the text object using the Selection tool (V).
  • Switch to the Free Transform tool (E).
  • Hold down the Shift key while dragging a corner or edge of the text box to scale the text proportionately. This ensures that the text maintains its aspect ratio and doesn’t distort.

Keyboard Shortcut for Quick Enlargement

For a quick and easy way to enlarge text, you can utilize keyboard shortcuts:

  • Shift + Command +> (Mac) or Shift + Ctrl +> (Windows): Increase font size by one point.
  • Shift + Command +< (Mac) or Shift + Ctrl +< (Windows): Decrease font size by one point.

Fine-Tuning Text Size for Optimal Readability

While increasing text size can make it more prominent, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between legibility and visual impact. Consider the intended audience and viewing distance when determining the ideal font size. For instance, smaller fonts may be suitable for close-up viewing, while larger fonts are better suited for presentations or signage.

Additional Text Formatting Options

Beyond font size, Adobe Illustrator offers various text formatting options to enhance your design:

  • Font Style: Select from basic font styles like regular, bold, italics, and bold italics.
  • Font Family: Choose from a wide range of fonts to match the overall style of your design.
  • Leading: Adjust the spacing between lines of text to improve readability.
  • Tracking: Adjust the overall spacing between characters to control the density of the text.
  • Kerning: Fine-tune the spacing between specific pairs of letters to ensure a smooth appearance.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.