How to Redo in Premiere Pro

How to Redo in Premiere Pro
How to Redo in Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is a powerful video editing software that allows users to create and edit professional-looking videos. Undoing and redoing actions are essential aspects of the editing process, enabling users to reverse previous actions and restore them when necessary.

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Understanding Undo and Redo

Undo and redo are fundamental functions in Premiere Pro that allow users to manage their editing workflow.

  • Undo: The undo command reverses the most recent action performed in Premiere Pro. This action could be anything from deleting a clip to modifying a sequence.
  • Redo: The redo command reverses the most recent undo action, essentially restoring the state of your project to the point before the undo was performed.

Redoing Actions in Premiere Pro

There are two primary methods for redoing actions in Premiere Pro:

  1. Using the Redo Menu Option:
  2. Click on the Edit menu in the top menu bar.
  3. Select Redo.
  4. Using the Redo Keyboard Shortcut:
  • On Windows: Press Ctrl+Shift+Z.
  • On Mac: Press Command+Shift+Z.

Redoing Multiple Actions

Premiere Pro allows you to redo multiple actions sequentially, even after saving your project. This means you can undo and redo a series of actions to revert to a specific point in your editing process.

Redoing Specific Actions

Sometimes, you may only want to redo a specific action, rather than redoing everything since the last undo. Premiere Pro allows you to do this by using the edit markers.

Using Edit Markers:

  1. Set edit markers at points in your project where you want to create redo points.
  2. To redo to an edit marker, right-click on the marker in the History panel and select “Redo to Marker.”

Tips for Redoing Actions

  • Save Regularly: Regularly saving your project will create checkpoints in your timeline, allowing you to redo actions even if you make mistakes after saving.
  • Utilize Edit Markers: Edit markers offer more control over redoing actions, allowing you to revert to specific points in your project.
  • Balance Undo and Redo: Use undo and redo in conjunction to efficiently navigate through your editing workflow.
  • Consider Keyboard Shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts for undo and redo provide quick and convenient access to these functions.

By effectively using the redo functionality in Premiere Pro, users can maintain control over their editing process, reversing mistakes and restoring desired changes with ease.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.