How to Undo and Redo in Adobe Animate CC


How to Undo and Redo in Adobe Animate CC
How to Undo and Redo in Adobe Animate CC

Adobe Animate CC provides two primary methods for reversing actions: Undo and Redo. These commands allow you to backtrack through your work and restore previous states of your document. While both undo and redo are essential for maintaining precision and efficiency in your workflow, understanding their differences can help you navigate your animation projects with greater control.

Undo Command

The Undo command allows you to reverse the most recent action you performed in Adobe Animate. This can be particularly useful for correcting mistakes or undoing unintended changes. To use the Undo command, you can either:

  1. Press Command + Z (Mac) or Ctrl + Z (Windows)
  2. **Click the Undo button in the Edit menu
  3. **Utilize the History panel, which provides a chronological record of your actions and allows you to undo multiple steps at once.

Redo Command

The Redo command serves as the opposite of Undo, allowing you to reverse the effects of the last Undo action. This feature can be helpful if you realize that reversing your previous action was a mistake and want to restore the previous state of your document. To use the Redo command, you can either:

  1. Press Command + Shift + Z (Mac) or Ctrl + Shift + Z (Windows)
  2. **Click the Redo button in the Edit menu
  3. **Drag the slider in the History panel to the right to undo multiple steps in reverse order.

Object-Level vs. Document-Level Undo and Redo

By default, Adobe Animate utilizes document-level undo, which means that all changes made to the entire document are tracked and can be undone or redone. However, you can also opt for object-level undo, which allows you to undo and redo actions independently for specific objects within the document. To switch between object-level and document-level undo, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Preferences dialog box by going to Edit > Preferences
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, navigate to the General tab
  3. Under the Undo section, select Object-level Undo

Benefits of Undo and Redo

Undo and redo are essential tools for any animator, enabling you to maintain control over your work and prevent costly mistakes. By mastering these commands, you can streamline your workflow, refine your animations, and produce high-quality content with greater efficiency.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.