Mastering the Paint Bucket in Adobe Animate


Mastering the Paint Bucket in Adobe Animate
Mastering the Paint Bucket in Adobe Animate

Adobe Animate, a renowned animation software, provides a versatile set of tools for creating captivating illustrations and animations. The Paint Bucket tool, a fundamental tool in the animator’s arsenal, enables effortless coloring and filling of shapes and outlines. This guide delves into the intricacies of the Paint Bucket tool, guiding you through its functionalities and application in enhancing your creative endeavors.

Accessing and Selecting the Paint Bucket Tool

The Paint Bucket tool is easily accessible within the Tools panel. To activate it, navigate to the Tools panel (Window > Tools) and locate the Paint Bucket icon (represented by a bucket with a paintbrush handle). Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Shift + F5 to activate the Paint Bucket tool.

Filling Shapes with Uniform Color

The Paint Bucket’s primary function lies in filling shapes with a uniform color. To fill a selected shape, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Shape: Choose the desired shape you want to fill.
  2. Activate the Paint Bucket: Click on the Paint Bucket icon in the Tools panel or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + F5.
  3. Choose the Fill Color: Select the desired fill color from the Color palette or the Properties panel.
  4. Fill the Shape: Click anywhere within the selected shape. The Paint Bucket will fill the entire shape with the chosen color.

Filling Areas with No Fill:

The Paint Bucket can also be used to fill gaps or areas with no fill. This is particularly useful for adding color to strokes created with the Pencil tool. To fill areas with no fill, follow these steps:

  1. Activate the Pencil Tool: Click on the Pencil icon in the Tools panel or use the keyboard shortcut F6 to activate the Pencil tool.
  2. Draw the Stroke: Create a stroke that encompasses the area you want to fill.
  3. Activate the Paint Bucket: Click on the Paint Bucket icon in the Tools panel or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + F5 to activate the Paint Bucket.
  4. Choose the Fill Color: Select the desired fill color from the Color palette or the Properties panel.
  5. Fill the Area: Click anywhere within the stroke. The Paint Bucket will fill the entire stroke with the chosen color.

Closing Gaps:

The Paint Bucket can be used to close gaps between strokes, creating a filled shape. To close gaps with the Paint Bucket, follow these steps:

  1. Activate the Paint Bucket: Click on the Paint Bucket icon in the Tools panel or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + F5 to activate the Paint Bucket.
  2. Choose the Fill Color: Select the desired fill color from the Color palette or the Properties panel.
  3. Click on the Stroke: Click anywhere on the stroke. The Paint Bucket will fill the entire stroke, closing any gaps within it.

Customizing the Paint Bucket’s Behavior

The Paint Bucket offers customization options that allow you to fine-tune its behavior and achieve desired effects. These options can be adjusted in the Properties panel while using the Paint Bucket tool:

  1. Fill Rule: The Fill Rule determines how the Paint Bucket fills overlapping shapes. The default “Normal” Fill Rule fills the entire shape, while the “Winding” Fill Rule fills the first shape encountered, even if it is partially obscured by other shapes.
  2. Gap Size: The Gap Size setting determines the minimum gap size that the Paint Bucket will fill. This is useful for filling in small gaps without inadvertently filling in other areas.
  3. Smart Fill: The Smart Fill option automatically fills shapes even if they are not closed. This is useful for filling in complex shapes without having to create perfectly closed outlines.


The Paint Bucket tool is a versatile and essential tool in Adobe Animate, empowering animators to effortlessly color and fill shapes. By understanding its functionalities and exploring its customization options, you can seamlessly integrate the Paint Bucket into your creative workflow, enhancing your illustrations and animations with vibrant colors and intricate details. Whether filling shapes, closing gaps, or adding color to strokes, the Paint Bucket serves as a powerful tool for expanding your artistic horizons and bringing your creative visions to life.

I hope this article has helped you learn how to use the Paint Bucket in Adobe Animate. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.



Benard Kemp (Coach and Multimedia Designer)

Passionate about igniting the flames of motivation and driving personal growth, my words aim to inspire and empower.