10 ways to better your content.

Skyrocket your content using the following tips.

Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"
6 min readApr 20, 2022
10 ways to better your content.

If you are like most marketers, you probably have a lot of content on your website.

But how do you know if it is useful? How can you tell if the information that your readers see will help them achieve their goals?

The truth is that most websites don’t give enough thought to what their readers want and need.

And as a result, they end up with an uninspiring collection of poorly written pages that fail to engage visitors or convert leads into customers.

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We’ve done the research and compiled some of our favorite posts on how to better your content marketing strategy and found a tool Jasper (Formerly Jarvis) that could be of great help in enabling you to write faster and better content. They have a 10000-word free trial on their Official website.

10 ways to better your content.

Here are the tips!

  1. Consider the content you are producing and make sure it is relevant to your target audience -If you are blogging or writing white papers, make sure they are targeted to your audience. There’s no point in creating content that doesn’t interest the people you want looking at your site. Jasper has a section where while writing you have to specify your target audience so Jarvis can know how it can write depending on your target audience.
  2. Using a catchy title- it will make your content more noticeable Use a catchy title- it will make your content more noticeable. Jasper can be of great help If you are having problems coming up with a catchy title and can help end your writer’s block by suggesting a few catchy titles.
  3. Use a clear and concise writing style- Excess wordiness does nothing to engage readers Use a clear and concise writing style.
  4. Be creative and interesting with your content- Content that is too dry just won’t work Be creative and interesting with your content. Jasper AI writing tool can help in coming up with creative content by you specifying in the tone of voice section that you want the AI tool to write in a creative tone of voice and also through creating content through some of its marketing templates like the PAS( Problem, Agitate, Solution) and AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) which are incredibly awesome!
  5. Break up the text into short paragraphs for easier reading- This will make your content seem less intimidating to read Break up the text into short paragraphs. When using AI tools specifically Jasper, the tool can learn your patterns and generate content accordingly.
  6. Engage readers with visuals- use images, infographics, videos, etc. — Don’t let your content be limited to text alone Engage readers with visuals this helps to break up the text, making it seem less daunting for busy readers.
  7. Be consistent when it comes to formatting, including headings, bolding, italics, etc- Readers are more likely to skim if there is no format Be consistent with formatting. Jasper reads, understands, and follows patterns so when using Jarvis to write this should not be a problem.
  8. Make sure your blog post has at least one call to action- If you don’t ask, they won’t come. Make sure that each of your content pieces includes a call to action.
  9. Use relevant keywords when writing so search engines can find your content easily- Keywords make a huge difference when it comes to ranking in search engines. Google Analytics can help you identify which keywords are most important to your content and to get them in your content while using Jasper you will just have to type your keywords in the keywords section and Jasper will intelligently integrate them into your content.
  10. Focus on SEO optimization so readers can find you easily online- If no one finds your content, it won’t be read Focus on SEO optimization. This includes but is not limited to using Jasper to intelligently integrate the keywords in your content while keeping in mind google’s rules on keyword stuffing.
10 ways to better your content.

See how Jasper works by visiting their Official Website.

See Jasper’s reviews here. (5/5 stars in over 3000 reviews).

Join Jasper’s Facebook community of (50K+ Active Members) here.


Your content is the foundation of your marketing strategy. So it’s important that you think about your reader first and produce quality written content that will engage them, inspire them, and help them achieve their goals.

Tools like Jasper help you create quality content faster and ensure that your content is relevant and engaging, and will keep readers interested and coming back for more.

Grab your free 10,000-word trial of Jasper by visiting their Official Website.

Did we miss out on any other tools or tips? Share them with us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Related Topics

  1. 10 ways Jasper helps me as a copywriter.
  2. The Best AI Content Generator: How to Choose the Right One.
  3. AI Writing Tool: Content Creation Made Easy.
  4. Tips for Using the AI Novel Writing Software to Write Your Next Bestseller.
  5. How an AI Creative Writing Assistant Can Help You Write Better content.
  6. The Community, Education, and Ongoing advice you need to start and grow a profitable content business in 2022.

Related FAQ’s

  1. What makes good content? When it comes to content, the best approach is to think about your target audience. What are their interests? What are their pain points? How can you help them get what they want? From there, it’s all about getting creative and producing relevant content that will engage your readers.
  2. How do I make my content stand out? Titles are important, they’ll help your content be more visible in search engines and social media. Make the title unique but appealing so readers want to click on it. Clickbait titles can also work well if you’re using them sparingly.
  3. What makes a good copy? Great content is all about balance. Too much text can seem overwhelming or boring, while too little text can seem incomplete. Try not to be overly wordy, but also ensure that you’re providing enough information for your readers to feel like they got what they needed. It’s all about quality over quantity at the end of the day.
  4. How can I improve content and article writing at the beginning? When it comes to improving content, the best thing you can do is to keep writing. The more you write, the better you’ll get. Just like anything else in life — practice makes perfect!
  5. How can I improve my content writing skills? To improve your content writing skills all you have to do is start! Sit down and brainstorm some ideas, then get writing. You can use tools like Jasper to help you create quality content faster and ensure that your content is relevant and engaging for readers.
  6. How can I improve my blog post writing skills? The best way to learn new things is through practice — so write more! Start by writing short blog posts or taking on some content writing projects in your spare time for fun. Once you get the hang of it, you can move on to bigger projects or improve your blog further with some help from the experts!
  7. How can I increase my online content? The first step to producing more online content is by finding topics that you’re interested in. If you struggle with motivation, consider hiring a writer or using tools like Jasper as part of your process. It can increase your online content up to x5.



Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"

Meet the AI visionary with a knack for decoding the latest tech trends. Stay ahead in the AI game with AI Visionary as your guide.