How to Write 10 times Faster with the Help of AI Writing Tool (Jasper).

Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"
10 min readAug 26, 2021


How to Write 10 times Faster with the Help of AI Writing Tool (Jasper).
How to Write 10 times Faster with the Help of AI Writing Tool (Jasper).

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine to think outside programming. Basically, it’s a computer that thinks like a human.

Just like a human, AI can help you with your writing.

From making sure your grammar and punctuation are in check to find the right words for your story, AI can be a valuable part of your writing process.

Ps: This piece of content was written mostly by Jasper AI, arguably the most advanced AI copywriting assistant today! Try it for free by visiting their official website.

How to Write 10 times Faster with the Help of AI Writing Tool (Jasper).

AI may help you with the editing process or even with idea generation for your writing project.

The most important thing to remember when using AI is that humans are ultimately in charge of any decision made by the AI.

RELATED: Tips for Using the AI Novel Writing Software to Write Your Next Bestseller.

Because a machine isn’t human, it can’t think in all of the same ways that you do. That is why it needs to be trained before using it on your writing project.

It’s a lot like having an assistant who is not as smart as you are, but still helpful.

AI software for writers has been around for a while. These tools include programs like Jasper (Our best choice), Rytr, and Frase.

Although these programs were originally made for helping with writing, they are mainly used to check spelling and grammar. However, some of them can be trained to do a lot more than just find errors.

AI-based software is great for finding the right words when you get stuck. You’ll just need to train it for your field of writing so that it will understand the words you use and find similar ones in its database.

RELATED: Best Writing Assistant Software.

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What Is AI and How Does It work?

Artificial Intelligence is often confused with robotics, but it’s not the same thing. Robotics is the designing of robots to do specific things such as vacuum your floors or cook your food for you.

How to Write 10 times Faster with the Help of AI Writing Tool (Jasper).

The purpose of AI is mainly to act like a human would in a certain situation. For example, an AI-based system might learn that when you drive a car you should drive the speed limit.

However, it would also know that school buses have their own lane and may change its behavior when behind one of them to make sure it didn’t pass the bus illegally.

Because AI is meant to learn from experience, you must train an AI-based system before putting it to work on your writing project.

The training can be as simple or involved as you like and will affect how well it works with your writing later on.

RELATED: How to Use AI Writing Tools/Software for Copywriting.

How to Write with AI-based software

There are a few different types of programs that you might use when working with artificial intelligence for your writing project. These include text generators, Chatbots, and virtual assistants.

Text generators — These software will take the information you give them and create a story or article based on that information.

You may have heard of these being used for writing short horror stories based on keywords given to it by the user.

Chatbots — A chatbot is like a virtual assistant. It will help you manage your online tasks.

However, unlike virtual assistants, chatbots are not sentient and have very limited knowledge of the world around them. They can’t do things like read your email for you or check for spelling errors in your writing.

Virtual Assistants — These systems will help with more complex tasks such as editing projects or scheduling appointments for you.

However, they don’t need to be trained like an AI-based software because they’ve already learned all of the appropriate ways to do things.

For example, a virtual assistant might be able to schedule appointments for you based on your diary and offer restaurants close by for lunch.

RELATED: How to Use Ai Writing Tools/Software for Copywriting

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help with Writing projects

Artificial Intelligence can be very useful when dealing with writing projects.

You might use it to find research information for your articles or have a piece of software check for spelling errors in your work.

You could even teach a program to write the first draft of an article for you if you are feeling homesick and want your family to read one of your articles.

The best thing about AI is that it won’t argue with you and might be able to see things that a human can’t.

There is potential for this technology, but right now the results are very mixed. Some programs work well and others don’t do as good of a job.

However, if you choose the right program and put it to work for you, you’ll be able to write much faster than you used to.

PS: This whole article was written by an AI writing tool: Jasper. You can generate 10,000 words worth of content for free by visiting their official site. See how Jarvis works here.

RELATED: How AI Software Is Changing the Landscape Of writing.

Why Use AI to Write Articles.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a type of technology that gives computers the ability to learn, think and behave like humans.

AI can be used in different ways to help your online business grow.

The AI tech uses algorithms that mimic human thinking and decision-making processes so it learns from experience.

Many people are unaware that artificial intelligence plays an important in their day-to-day activities.

You use AI every time you Google for something on the Internet or buy an item online using your Amazon account.

When you search for something on Google, the AI-based system will learn what words to associate with your searches and display them when viewing similar items. If you search for “ dog leash” then “dog harness” is more likely to show up on your results page.

RELATED: How to Write a Persuasive Essay outline.

How AI Can Help You Write articles

There are a few different ways that an AI-based system can be used for your writing project.

It can handle some of the preliminary tasks like checking spelling and grammar or gathering research for you to use later.

AI can gather data for you and then help you layout your article.

You can also set it to automatically write the entire article for you once it has gathered all of the information.

If this is the case, make sure that you work well with this program beforehand so that everyone is happy with how it turns out!

Using artificial intelligence to write articles for your business: using AI can help you work on the things that you enjoy doing like marketing, branding, or social media management.

You can use a program to do some of your writing tasks and focus more on other tasks that are more important for keeping your business running smoothly.

With AI working well for you, you’ll be able to write more articles in less time and get them published.

Have a look at AI platforms like Persado, DigitalGenius, or Cognea. These systems are trained by industry leaders to focus on your industry and the keywords that you use most often.

RELATED: How to Write an Informative Essay outline.

Considerations When Using AI for Writing projects

If you plan on using AI to help with your writing projects, there are a few things that you’ll need to consider.

You will need to check that the system is compatible with any of your other programs so that it can run at the same time.

You should also read over any terms of service agreements for the software and ask any questions that you have before you start working with it.

You need to make sure that the AI program works well.

If you aren’t happy with the results, then you will be wasting your time and money while it is running on your computer.

When using AI for a writing project, understand how it’s going to work before you start working with it. This way you’ll be prepared to make any changes you need to in order to fit with your style and preferences.

The potential is there for AI to be used as a writing assist, but many of these programs don’t have the accuracy that you might want.

You do have to work with them manually first before they start writing on their own because some things that a program might miss may be things you need to get the article published.

Using AI to write articles can help with your writing projects and it can save you time while helping you focus on other activities that are more important for keeping your business running smoothly.

You should consider using AI as another tool in your new marketing plan!

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How to Create an Article with AI Writing Tool: Jasper.

This is how easy it is to create content using AI Writing tools, in our case, our preferred AI of choice Jasper.

  1. Click on the Jasper icon in the system tray. This should open a box on your screen

2. Select your preferred template from the list of over 50 templates or choose to start from scratch.

3. Type in the title (make sure it is compelling and keyword-rich) or let jasper suggest for you suitable titles and add your target keywords and tone of voice in the sections provided.

4. Click “generate ai content” at the bottom of the AI window.

This will open up new windows where you can review what was written by AI and Make corrections or add your input if needed.

When creating with AI, you should always revise some of the content before publishing it online or to your social media channels! (And if needed, check back on this article for a further explanation). See how Jarvis works here.

RELATED: How to Write an Essay outline

PS: This whole article was written by an AI writing tool: Jasper. You can generate 10,000 words worth of content for free by visiting their official site. See how Jarvis works here.

Key Points to Remember When Writing an Article With AI

The following are some of the key points to remember writing an article with AI

  1. Select a topic and write your article. You can use a keyword database to find the best keywords for your article — mind that you should not target all of them, because Google will penalize you if you do so.
  2. Remember to properly split your content into paragraphs and proper sentences. It makes it easier for the AI to parse your content, remember that the AI will not be able to handle very long sentences and paragraphs.
  3. Do not abuse your keywords — if you do so Google will penalize you. You can use a keyword database to find the best keyword density for your article.
  4. Always remember to use images in your article, they can improve the user experience and will help you rank higher.
  5. Run an online spell checker over your article before publishing it. Check for proper grammar and punctuation, to avoid embarrassing situations.
  6. The AI will not be able to handle names of private people, brands, or trademarks (they will be replaced with *). You can use regular expressions to find and replace them but you should be careful because sometimes the AI will not correct your mistakes.
  7. Do not publish a lot of articles at once — spread them out throughout the day, instead. The AI will only work if you read your article for it before you publish it.
  8. The AI will not be able to target all niches — it has been optimized for News and Entertainment.
  9. Remember to proofread your content after the AI is done with it, once you are comfortable with the result — publish your article.

RELATED: AI Writing Software: What It Can Do and How to Use AI for Content Creation.

Useful resources:

Here are some useful links that you can use when writing an article with AI:

  1. Google Keyword Planner — learn how to find the best keywords for your article.
  2. Google’s built-in spell checker — good for detecting grammar errors, punctuation mistakes, and typos.
  3. Oxford English Dictionary — perfect for finding alternative words that you can use in your article instead of private names, brands, or trademarks. Regular
  4. Expressions — can be used to find and replace private names, brands, or trademarks with asterisks. Grammarly — perfect for finding and fixing your grammar mistakes.
  5. Google’s Syntax Highlighter — can be used together with any static site generator to create syntax-highlighted code snippets in your article.
  6. SEO checklist (by Google) — if you follow this checklist Google is more likely to rank your article higher.
  7. Article Planner (by Moz) — if you want to plan your article promotion campaign, use this tool instead of the other one. This one was built by a professional SEO company, that knows what they are doing.

See how Jasper works by visiting their Official Website.

See Jasper’s reviews here. (5/5 stars in over 3000 reviews).

Join Jasper’s Facebook community of (50K+ Active Members) here.

RELATED: Tips for Using the AI Novel Writing Software to Write Your Next Bestseller.


Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing field that many businesses are exploring.

How can AI help you write articles?

One way to use artificial intelligence in your writing project is by using software like Jasper, which uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate content for blogs, social media posts, and more.

You don’t need any technical knowledge of how this process works; just input some basic information about the blog post topic (for instance “What are the benefits of blogging?”) and let Jasper do all the work! However, there are considerations when it comes to using an AI-based system.

Jasper uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate content for blogs, social media posts, and more.

For example, if you want the article’s tone to be informative or persuasive, you will be required to instruct the AI to write in either informative or persuasive in the tone of voice section, and then Jasper will determine what words should go where based on those factors.

You don’t need any technical knowledge of how this process works; just input some basic information about the blog post topic (for instance “What are the benefits of blogging?”) and let Jasper do all the work!



Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"

Meet the AI visionary with a knack for decoding the latest tech trends. Stay ahead in the AI game with AI Visionary as your guide.