How to Write Better Copy with the Help of Artificial Intelligence

Yes! AI can help you write a copy that drives sales.

Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"
11 min readApr 20, 2022

PS: This whole article was written by an AI writing tool: Jasper (Formerly Jarvis). You can generate 10,000 words worth of content for free in the Jasper trial by visiting their official site.

Writing good marketing copy is hard. Most of us are pretty bad at writing the stuff that persuades people to buy our products or services.

We’re not alone, though. Even top-selling authors and professional marketers struggle with this task too.

You need to write the right words for your audience, but it’s not easy to know what those are. And if you get them wrong, you could lose a customer.

Thankfully we found an AI writing tool Jasper (Formerly Jarvis) that writes better marketing copy for your company using the Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA) formula and other formulas such as the Problem, Agitate, Solution(PAS) that is really good and could be of great help in helping you write better copy.

How to Write Better Copy with the Help of Artificial Intelligence
How to Write Better Copy with the Help of Artificial Intelligence

Copywriting is a difficult task that often requires a lot of trial and error. But with the help of artificial intelligence, it’s now easier than ever to write high-quality copy that resonates with your target audience.

How to Write Better Copy with the Help of Artificial Intelligence

AI Copywriting In Detail: How It Works and Why Every Marketer Should Know About it.

There’s no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way we live and work. But what you may not know is that AI is also changing the way we write copy.

Copywriting has always been a difficult task, but with the help of AI, it’s now easier than ever to write high-quality copy that resonates with your target audience.

So how does AI copywriting work, and why should every marketer know about it?

Let’s take a look.

The basic idea behind AI copywriting is that computers can be used to analyze large amounts of data more quickly and efficiently than humans can. This data can then be used to generate natural, non-robotic sounding text.

For marketers, this technology can be hugely beneficial for crafting and optimizing the content that you publish through your blog, social media accounts, and more.

The first step in getting someone to buy into what you’re selling is grabbing their attention. If they don’t notice your product or service, you won’t be able to convince them that they need it. But how do you get potential customers to notice your content?

This is where AI copywriting comes in. Using the EyeQuant algorithm, you can create attention-grabbing headlines and images that will help your content get noticed.

But grabbing readers’ attention isn’t the only important factor when it comes to writing effective marketing copy. You also need to keep their interest once they’ve read your headline.

This is where the AI-generated text can really come in handy. By using natural language algorithms, you can create copy that’s interesting, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.

Once you’ve grabbed their attention and held their interest, it’s time to start convincing them to take action. This is where the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) and PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution) formulas can be incredibly useful.

The AIDA formula works by directing your copy to appeal first to the customer’s needs and wants. By demonstrating how you can meet their desires, you’ll be able to persuade them that they need whatever it is that you’re selling while the PAS formula works by demonstrating the problems that your product or service can solve.

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Why Should You Use an AI Copywriting Tool?

Well, there are a number of reasons why this technology is so useful for companies and marketers.

  1. For one thing, an AI-generated copy is more effective because it’s based on data which means that it’s more likely to resonate with your target audience.
  2. It helps you end writer’s block by suggesting catchy and creative original topics and content that is engaging.
  3. It can also help you understand your target audience better than ever before by using natural language algorithms to generate text that’s as readable as possible.
  4. AI copywriting tools can also help you to optimize your content for different channels, including social media, email marketing, and more for better results. By analyzing your audience’s demographic information, interests, and more, AI can help you to create content that’s more likely to convert leads into customers.
  5. AI copywriting tools can help you generate quality content x5 faster than how you are used to thus saving time which you can use to do other things.
  6. By helping you create attention-grabbing headlines and images, AI can help you get your content seen by more people.
  7. But perhaps the most important benefit of using AI copywriting is that it can help you write better copy which should result in more conversions.

By analyzing large amounts of data, this technology can easily determine which words and phrases tend to resonate most with your target audience.

This information makes it easy to create high-quality content that resonates with your readers.

Our Top Pick for AI Copywriting Tool.

There are a number of AI copywriting tools on the market, but our favorite is Jasper (Formerly Jarvis).

How to Write Better Copy with the Help of Artificial Intelligence

Jasper is a customizable piece of technology that uses natural language algorithms to create copy based on data.

This means that it’s more likely than any other AI writing tool to resonate with your target audience thanks to its understanding of the information that forms the basis of their desires and goals, along with the way in which they speak, think, and behave.

Jasper also offers a number of other features that make it an ideal tool for content marketing, including the ability to help you create headlines, images, and social media posts that will capture attention.

Best of all, Jasper is affordable and easy to use, making it a perfect choice for small businesses and entrepreneurs who are just starting their content marketing efforts.

For more information about how jasper can help you create effective copywriting, watch this youtube video

See how Jasper works by visiting their Official Website.

See Jasper’s reviews here. (5/5 stars in over 3000 reviews).

Join Jasper’s Facebook community of (50K+ Active Members) here.

Jarvis’s Key features

  1. Re-phrase — Jasper can help you rewrite headlines, sentences, and entire paragraphs to make them more appealing to your audience by using the re-phrase feature
  2. Find and replace — If you want to change a word or phrase in your text, Jasper can help you do that quickly and easily.
  3. Lookup — Jasper can help you look up words and phrases in the dictionary so that you can be sure that your copy is accurate.
  4. Sentiment — Jasper measures the sentiment of your text so that you can see whether or not your readers are likely to respond positively to it.
  5. Grammar — Jasper checks your text for grammar mistakes and offers corrections
  6. Copywriting — Jasper can help you write better copy by using natural language algorithms to determine which words and phrases tend to resonate most with your target audience.
  7. Jasper is fast — it allows you to create meaningful content for your business in seconds.
  8. Features a library of 50+ templates that help you to easily come up with your content.
  9. Generates different variations of the content so you can choose the one you like best.
  10. Features an AI-powered live chat assistant to create customized messages with the perfect tone based on your customer’s preferences.
  11. You can use Jasper with a team of people — all you need is an internet connection.

There’s no doubt that AI is changing the world of copywriting, and if you’re not using it, you’re missing out on some massive benefits.

PS: This whole article was written by an AI writing tool: Jasper (Formerly Jarvis). You can generate 10,000 words worth of content for free in the Jasper trial by visiting their official site.

Who is Jasper for?

Jasper is for anyone who wants to

  • Create original content that ranks for SEO: Generate educational blog articles that are keyword-rich and plagiarism-free.
  • Finish his/her first draft 2–5X faster: Speed up your content pipeline by writing 80% by Jarvis and 20% edited by humans.
  • Boost adds conversions with better copy: Easily write and test more copy variations to increase sales and improve ROAS.
  • End writer’s block with ideas from a robot: Stuck staring at a blank page? Relax and let Jarvis write creative copy for you.
  • Breakthrough the language barrier: No matter your native tongue, write creatively and clearly in 25+ languages.
  • Scale up your content marketing fast: Repurpose existing content and generate new content without hiring junior writers.

See Jasper’s reviews here.

How to Write Better Copy with the Help of Artificial Intelligence
How to Write Better Copy with the Help of Artificial Intelligence

Jasper’s Pricing

Jasper has a starter plan that goes for $29 per month and a Boss mode (Highly recommended) with more advanced features that go for $59 per month.

How to Write Better Copy with the Help of Artificial Intelligence
How to Write Better Copy with the Help of Artificial Intelligence

you can look at the full features of the two plans here. Click on see all features.

If you are interested in giving Jarvis a try you can visit their official website and get a 1000-word free trial you get to experience it first hand.

Pros and Cons of Using AI for Copywriting.

There are pros and cons to using AI for copywriting.


  • AI can help you write better copy by analyzing data about your target audience.
  • It can also help you create headlines, images, and social media posts that will capture attention.
  • AI Copywriting tools are affordable and easy to use.
  • Using AI copywriting tools is a faster way of coming up with your copy since they are fast.


  • AI copywriting tools are not free and will cost you money in a subscription fee.
  • AI copywriting tools are still in their infancy, so they may not be as accurate or effective as you need them to be.
  • You may also need some training in order to use AI copywriting tools effectively.


Overall, AI copywriting tools are a great way to help you create better copy for your business.

While they may not be perfect, they can provide you with some great benefits that can help you improve your content marketing efforts.

If you’re interested in trying out an AI copywriting tool, Jasper is a great option that is affordable and easy to use, and it can help you write better copy, create headlines that will capture attention, and measure the sentiment of your text.

Give it a try today by visiting their official website and getting the 10000-word free trial.

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  1. What is artificial intelligence copywriting? AI copywriting is copywriting assisted by artificial intelligence or machine learning. This involves the use of algorithms and software to help you write better copy by understanding your target audience, measuring the sentiment of your text, and analyzing data about your market.
  2. How can AI help writing? AI can use its algorithm to determine the best words and phrases for your copy. It does this by analyzing data about your target audience, which allows it to create a customized experience based on their preferences. AI can also help you write headlines that will capture attention, generate millions of variations of your copy so you can test and optimize it without doing all the work yourself, and create content for your social media.
  3. What is the best AI copywriting? The best AI copywriting tool is the one that suits your needs the best. Jasper is a great option and our overall best since it offers a range of features that can help you write better copy, measure the sentiment of your text, and understand your target audience.
  4. How can I make my copy better? You can make your copy better by using an AI copywriting tool. This will allow you to create content for your social media, headlines that capture attention, and generate up to 3 million variations of your copy so you can test and optimize it without doing all the work yourself.
  5. How do I get started with AI? You can start with AI by visiting Jasper’s official website and getting the 10000-word free trial and trying it by yourself.
  6. Can AI write a document? Yes, AI copywriting tools like Jasper can write documents. This allows you to generate text for blog posts, newsletters, social media posts, and more.
  7. What is the future of AI copywriting? The future of AI copywriting will be that it will become mainstream since it provides businesses with a number of great benefits that can help them improve their content marketing efforts. Furthermore, AI copywriting tools will continue to evolve and become more accurate and effective.
  8. Can AI write blogs? AI copywriting tools like Jasper can help you write blogs. This involves the use of algorithms and software to help you understand your target audience, measure the sentiment of your text, and analyze data about your market so you can create a customized experience based on their preferences. Additionally, AI can also help you generate up to 3 million variations of your blog post
  9. Is AI copywriting worth it? AI copywriting is worth it because it can help you write better copy, understand your target audience, and generate content for your social media. Additionally, AI copywriting tools are affordable and easy to use.
  10. Will AI replace copywriters? AI will not replace copywriters, but it can help them write better copy and understand their target audience better.
  11. How do you write an engaging copy? You can write an engaging copy by using compelling headlines that capture attention, a specific tone of voice, and the perfect words and phrases for your target audience.
  12. What is AI? Artificial intelligence or machine learning is a form of technology that uses algorithms to understand data, create custom experiences based on preferences, generate text for blogs posts, newsletters, social media posts, and more.
  13. Can AI write reports? Yes, given the correct input data, AI copywriting tools like Jasper can write reports. This allows you to generate text for your business’s annual report, marketing report, and more.
  14. Can AI help me write a novel? Yes, AI copywriting tools like Jasper can help you write a novel.



Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"

Meet the AI visionary with a knack for decoding the latest tech trends. Stay ahead in the AI game with the AI Visionary as your guide.