Ben Lumley
3 min readFeb 3, 2015


Seems everyone loves a good selfie these days. We’re all taking them. Whether we’re posing alone looking for a new profile pic for facebook or whether we’re out with friends for a few drinks the selfie is here to stay.

There’s a few ways to get the most out of your selfie so you look good. Some people don’t like their photo taken so these tips will help them too.

1: Take it somewhere light.

If you can take your new selfie picture in the daytime in a well lit room so much the better. Cameras on phones are good these days but they still struggle when there’s not much natural light around. Next time you’re taking a photo at night without your flash on notice how grainy your picture is. That because camera phones don’t like low light. A well lit room, with some lights turned on will do wonders.

2: Point your forehead out and down.

Portrait photography tip for you. If you suffer from doublechinistis then it’s because when someone takes a photo of you (or you take one of yourself) you move your head back away from the camera causing your chin to disappear into your neck. Rather than retreating away bring your forehead out and down about an inch or so from your normal position. It’ll feel weird but it will help to bring our your jawline. No one will notice when they see the picture and you’ll forget you’ve done it after a few minutes but it’ll work wonders.

3: Drop the pout

Seriously, it’s not the 1940s

4: Turn off your flash

Camera flash on a phone is awful. It’ll flatten out the light on your face and make you look washed out and two dimensional. If you can get away with it don’t use it.

5: Shoot from above

If you’re a bit self conscious about being a bit bigger than take your selfie from above you slightly. Its a bit more flattering and can help give a bit of a slimmer look. Don’t go crazy with it, you don’t need to look through the top of your skull to see the camera, but a little elevation certainly helps.

6: Try Black and White

Some people never like their selfie no matter what they take. If that’s you thats fine but try a black and white filter first before you hit delete. Black and white photos are cool and can turn a me selfie into a cool selfie. Its a bit more flattering, it hides most flaws and can make you look seriously cool. Try it

7: Get a pro to take one for you

The best pictures are usually taken by someone who knows how to get the best look out of you. A professional will get the best lighting, the best poses and the best look for you. You’ll love it. I can tell you that nearly everyone I work with has one of my photos as their Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn profile picture. As a photographer it’s a lovely thing to see. They also seem to love them.



Ben Lumley

Front End Web Developer @dijitul. Runs @dijitulmedia. Freelance Event Photographer. I REALLY care about imagery on websites.