Old Friends and Failings

Ben Carpenter
1 min readDec 12, 2019

“Oh, look at you!

“All upright and smiling — and at this hour! Under this pink light.

“Did you believe him when he said it would be an early night?

“Have you ever been able to wipe your mouth after the first round or two and ask for the check? Not with him. Not here. Look, you’re leaning now, against a wall you’ve leaned on a hundred times since August, pleading into this scratched mirror.

“Better get back out there, the room’s not quite fully tilted yet, and I’m sure he’s got another ski of shots for the three of you. It’s fun!

“Is Lucy having a good time? Have you opened the conversation enough for her to fit in betwen two old friends? Have you plugged her new chapbook? Her Degree program? Why don’t you think she’s talking more?

“Both hands on the sink now, huh? Maybe you’re a little farther along than we thought,. Careful, see the crack in the molding where it meets — Shit! Wow, that was loose, God that was loose. Alright, go, go, tell the bartender you found it like that.

You’ve earned yourself another drink.”



Ben Carpenter

A New Yorker in Kansas City. Social scientist, climate activist, a planter of very fine trees.