Benchmark Bioponics
1 min readJul 11, 2023


Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association between fungi and the roots of most plants. The term “mycorrhiza” literally means “fungus root” and refers to the mutually beneficial relationship formed between the two partners. There are different types of mycorrhizae, with the two main types being endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae.

  • Endomycorrhizae (also known as arbuscular mycorrhizae or AM): These mycorrhizae are formed by fungi belonging to the phylum Glomeromycota. The fungal hyphae penetrate the root cells of the host plant, forming specialized structures called arbuscules and vesicles. The arbuscules provide a large surface area for nutrient exchange between the fungus and the plant, while vesicles serve as storage organs for nutrients.

Endomycorrhizae are the most common type of mycorrhizae and are found in the majority of plant species, including many agricultural crops. They have a wide range of benefits for plants, including enhanced nutrient uptake (especially phosphorus), improved water absorption, and increased resistance to certain diseases.



Benchmark Bioponics

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