The Key to Building a Successful Career

Ben Dankaka
3 min readDec 19, 2022


There’s a key to building a successful career. No matter your chosen field of interest, you can use this key to create wealth, gain fame and create impact in your industry and in the wider society.

You can’t get to the top of any career without having this key. The key to building a successful career is actually a master key. That is, it can open every door. But while you can use it to open several doors, it cannot be used at the same time in different places. You can only use this key on each door, at a specific time and place.

Fortunately, this key is not hidden. Although it is valuable, and can be considered a treasure, it is not the kind of treasure that is reserved for a few people or hidden in a treasure island. You don’t need to embark on a trip in order to find it. And you don’t have to be an adventurer in order to get it. You also don’t need to fight anyone to get it. This key is so common, yet it many people can’t find it.

Oftentimes, it is even ignored by those who have it. Some people possess this master key, but do not use it to open any door. Because they don’t know what to do with it, they let it stay dormant without use. Though it is found everywhere, yet there are many people who can’t find it. They live around it but can’t see it. They have eyes but their eyes can’t see it.

Others fail to find and use this key because they don’t know its value. So, they don’t ever think of looking for it. It is unfortunate, that the very key which can change people’s lives is often ignored by those who need it the most. The name of this master key is knowledge.

If you are truly interested in becoming a leader in your field of endeavor, you must, by all means, seek knowledge. Knowledge is the master key to success in any field of endeavor. There are other factors that can help you become great, but if you do not have knowledge those factors wouldn’t take you anywhere. Knowledge is key when it has to do with career development. A person without knowledge should not even think of leading.

Knowledge is to leadership what guns are to soldiers. Just as a soldier earns respect with the gun in his hands, a leader in every field of endeavor earns respect because of the knowledge or information that he possesses.

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Ben Dankaka

Author-Trainer — Creator, VIP-CI Model of Leadership — I write on business and personal development. I also share biblical thoughts on leadership.