The Only Thing Constant is Change

Ben Davenport
2 min readApr 13, 2018


Next week, I’ll be stepping back from my full-time role at BitGo after almost four years. I will continue to be closely involved with the company as an advisor to Mike and the senior technical leadership. I’m planning to take some time to focus on my family, reconnect with a broader set of people in the Bitcoin community, and to start figuring out what I might do next.

When Mike and I met, we had a shared vision to build an infrastructure company that would play a crucial role in speeding the adoption of Bitcoin. It was a big vision for a few guys in a tiny room, and the path was by no means straight or easy. We couldn’t have possibly foreseen all the twists and turns in the market or our own business. But today, BitGo is the most trusted name in enterprise digital asset security, provides services for 20 different coins or tokens, and handles over $10 billion of transactions monthly. And BitGo is just getting started.

I’m grateful for everyone who’s helped make BitGo into what it is today.

  • To Mike: I have incredible respect for your growth from an engineer to a true CEO today. You’ve sailed the ship through some rough seas. It’s been an honor working beside you, and I’m excited to see what you continue to build.
  • To the team: You are the heart of BitGo: humble, dedicated, and some of the best minds in the industry. I interviewed most of you, and it’s been a real pleasure getting to know and work with you.
  • To our customers, investors and board members: Thank you for your continued trust and support for our mission.

There’s never an easy time to leave, but there are a few reasons why it’s a good time to make this transition. First, the team and business are both extremely strong. And the acquisition of Kingdom Trust will open major new strategic opportunities for BitGo, making it the clear industry choice for institutional custody. Second, we have someone more than ready to fill my shoes. Ben Chan, who’s been here almost from the beginning, and has been responsible for the development of our V2 platform, is stepping up as CTO. To Ben: Congratulations — you have my full confidence and support. Customers should know that the technical team continues to have very strong leadership.

It’s incredible to think that Bitcoin didn’t even exist 10 years ago. And yet we’re still just in the first couple miles of a marathon. I’m incredibly grateful to have been able to do my small part, though I hope it will not be my last contribution by any means. HODL on!

