Examining the Realm of Creepy

2 min readJul 10, 2024

Examining the Realm of Creepy to open up self-awareness

Image — Know Yourself by author

There are some days when a random word floats into my awareness. Today, it was “creepy” and then “creepy person.”

A search on who a creepy person is led me to the following personality traits:

  • Lacking good boundaries
  • Invading personal space
  • Unable to pick on non-verbal cues to back away
  • Struggling to understand body language
  • Unpredictable behaviors
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Struggling with emotional regulation
  • Trying to gain trust by appearing helpful
  • Using relationships for personal benefit
  • Not comprehending mutual consent in relationships

As I read the list of traits, I couldn’t help but consider the times when I could have easily exhibited those traits under certain conditions.

What followed was a series of self-examining questions:

  • Do some people view me as creepy?
  • I am a curious person who asks many questions; could my curiosity be interpreted as creepy?
  • I like to share freely; could I appear creepy to some people when I do so?




Coach and Creative. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu 🤝. I Change the World by Changing Myself.