9 Real Estate Investing Tips for a Better 2018

Benedict Silverman
5 min readFeb 20, 2018


A week ago, I was lucky to be on a panel at my nearby real estate club meeting, where I was requested to give a couple of tips with real estate specialists and investors on the best way to be more productive in the coming year. It was fun, and the tips could truly be anything by some means or another related to real estate. Whether it was the way to save time and cash, avoid aggravation, or even increment yields.

The amazing thing about it was that there were four panelists sharing ideas, so I left with 32 new tips on everything from planning and organizing to working with temporary workers.

And I believe good things should be always be shared!

8 Real Estate Investing Tips for a Better 2018

1. Use tax strategies.

Let’s be honest — each dollar saved on taxes is another dollar spared to invest with. This is one of the principle mainstays of building your real-estate riches or wealth in general.

There are numerous methods to save money on taxes, regardless of whether its depreciation, all the discounts the land business can offer us (mortgage interest deduction, charges, upkeep, and so on.) My undisputed top choice is most likely contributing through qualified plans like self-coordinated IRA accounts, HSAs, ESAs, and so forth.

This year specifically, it would be quiet advantageous for you to arrange a meeting with your accountant, to learn about all the new tax law changes and what to stay away from. All things considered, the greatest points of interest haven’t really been left out, as they come from many aspects like providing housing, creating jobs, or aiding foundations and charities.

Nobody said you need to pick only one. For instance, my pal’s non-profit owns a flat that leases units to disabled veterans. Maybe you can apply a similar approach into your plan of action.

2. Be focused and disciplined.

Certainly, focus and discipline can be connected to things like following a financial plan and having your monetary house organized, however what I’m alluding to is somewhat more philosophical. As Jim Rohn puts it, “We have to work harder on ourselves than we do at our employments.” Many of us could use more work on our social skills — things like time administration, deals, arrangements, or even simply reading more.

3. Set Goals

Earl Nightingale, author and successful insurance broker, best known for The Strangest Secret, put it best when he made the inquiry, “Where do you see yourself in view of the actuarial statistics for 100 men at age 65?” At the time (1950s), the insights were that one was extremely rich, four were exceptionally fortunate, five were all the while working, 54 men were subject to others, and 36 were deceased. What he saw was less that 36 of the men were deceased, however that there was a similar characteristic in the best 5% — they all had set their aims!

4. Plan Purposefully

We should all attempt to be more strategic in our contributing and investing this year. For instance, you should know your way out before you hastily invest. Perhaps you could plan to buy your first owner occupied place with the goal of keeping it as a future rental. As my pal Jeff Brown dependably says, “You ought to have one objective throughout everyday life, to have as much easy revenue, when you can, by retirement at the most recent, and have however much of it tax-exempt as could be expected.”

5. Utilize Leverage

You can leverage numerous things, similar to connections, time, and so forth. What one thing would you be able to truly use this year to take your business or your investing to another level? Possibly it’s using your equity better by consolidating more arbitrage? Perhaps it’s aggregating more resources with debt or getting rid of your bad debts?

6. Pay down debt.

In case you’re not in accumulation mode and you’re considering how to quicken the pay down of your properties, endeavor to do it in a manner that thinks about every one of the dangers, including the use of asset protection and/or estate planning. One of my blueprints as I approach retirement is pay off a rental home, move it to a family trust, at that point when the qualities and loan costs rise, pitch it with proprietor financing to a land speculator’s LLC, and place the advance into adjusting for accumulations. Presently, I’m money streaming without the cerebral torture of possession.

Along these lines, regardless of whether you complete an every other week contract, send in one month from now’s essential with the current month’s installment, or in case you’re utilizing a more profitable technique like using clear records, there are a lot of approaches to shrink your obligation administration and increment your income.

7. Build in asset protection and liquidity

Clearly, the use of debt can be a modest type of benefit security, particularly property that is held in your own name. This is the reason I like utilizing HELOCs on properties with generous value on the grounds that does go about as resource insurance and gives me liquidity as well. Equity loans were off the table for some time yet appear to return and in a rising business sector, with great work, it might be a decent year, with still genuinely low rates. .

8. Have your assets pay your liabilities

This is presumably my top choice. Regardless of whether it’s wage from my rentals paying for my getaway trips and vacations or purchasing an iPhone to have the installment pay the installment on my significant other’s auto that costs twice as much as what I paid for the iPhone, I simply adore this technique.

