Life as a Game (Part 1): How I Beat Procrastination & Reach Goals with Gamification

How I Harness the 5 Key Gaming Elements to Defeat Procrastination and Achieve My Goals

Benedict Then
5 min readSep 4, 2023

Have you ever been hit by a wave of determination, perhaps to do an online course, hit the gym, or start a new hobby? But then, after a short period, you get swamped with tasks and priorities, leading you to either abandon your goals or get diverted by another exciting idea.

Does this scenario resonate with you? You’re not alone. Many people grapple with procrastination and the challenge of sustaining their motivation. This sets off a repetitive pattern, preventing them from achieving their desired aspirations in life.

However, when it comes to playing video games, why do we have no trouble dedicating extensive hours to it? It appears that game designers have seemingly mastered the art of creating addictive experiences that compel us to keep going indefinitely.

This begs the question: Why is this so? What fuels this addiction? What if we could take some ideas from video games to get ourselves addicted to our own life?

I’ve identified 5 vital gaming elements for everyday life in this two-part series. In part one, we’ll explore these elements and discuss their integration into our daily routines. In the subsequent article, I’ll share my personal journey with these elements, showcasing how they’ve significantly enhanced my productivity and commitment to achieving goals :) let go!

The 5 Key Game Elements:

1. Setting Clear Goals & Objectives

In the gaming world, we know exactly what specific levels, quests, and formidable bosses we must overcome to advance and complete the game. Likewise in life, we first need to clearly define what we want to achieve. This gives us a sense of direction or purpose to pursue. This point seems fairly obvious but the challenge here is to know how to set good goals.

Good goals are those that are:

  • Meaningful: They resonate with your inner motivations and are genuinely important to you.
  • Measurable: You are able to track/quantify your progress and determine when you have reached the goal.
  • Time-Bond: There is a set timeframe for achieving the goal, creating urgency and accountability
  • Broken down into Milestones: Goals are easier to achieve when broken down into smaller manageable tasks.

Achieving a goal isn’t as simple as merely setting it and forgetting about it; it requires taking full ownership and consistently monitoring your progress. Success demands a proactive approach, where you actively engage with your goals, assess your advancements, and make necessary adjustments along the way.

2. Understanding Challenges & Growth

In order to level up quicker, players know that they must clear challenging quests, explore new maps, or defeat tougher monsters. life is exactly the same, to truly advance in life, we must set increasingly challenging goals, pushing ourselves beyond our limits.

Just as clearing the same game level repeatedly yields little experience, threading a familiar path in life won’t lead to significant personal growth.

Examples of areas we can challenge ourselves more:

  • Career: Take on more responsibilities, work on challenging projects, or explore new career paths.
  • Fitness: Aim for progressive overload, master a new sport, hike overseas, or run a marathon.
  • Travel: Solo travel, explore less touristy places, do more adventurous activities like hiking, mountaineering, diving, etc.

Remember, if you want something you never had, you have to do something you have never done. You truly grow when you do things that you are unqualified to do.

3. Creating a System of Immediate Feedback

In games, we are accustomed to having tangible, measurable indicators such as damage points, experience bars, health metrics, defense stats, and virtual currency, etc. These elements provide a clear and continuous assessment of our progress and character strengths.

Likewise, in life, it is essential to institute reliable tracking mechanisms. These tools will offer insights into areas requiring improvement, allowing us to focus our efforts effectively and efficiently on bridging any gaps on our paths to achieving our goals.

Some examples of tracking mechanisms:

  • Daily Habit Tracker: This could be done in Excel, Notion, or a physical journal.
  • Journalling: Do daily or weekly reviews. Ask yourself questions like “How were you feeling throughout the week”, “What are things you could have improved on?” and “What things have you done well?”

In essence, if you don’t track it, you can’t measure it. And if can’t measure it, you can’t manage it and truly achieve your goals. In the journey of achievement, tracking is the compass that guides you to your destination.

I find this point holds the utmost significance and practicality for me. I will expand more on this part in my next article on how I did this and how it supercharged my life :) stay tuned!

4. System of Rewards

In the gaming world, players receive instant gratification in the form of rare items, virtual currencies, or attribute points upon completing quests or defeating challenging bosses. These rewards serve as powerful incentives, reinforcing positive behavior and driving the desire for more achievements.

Similarly, in life, it is important to acknowledge our accomplishments by rewarding ourselves when we achieve a task or reach a milestone. Treat yourself to a good meal, spa day, travel, or time off etc.

Remember this:

“Celebrating the small victories isn’t just about indulgence; it’s a practice that cultivates positivity, resilience, and a sense of progress in your everyday life. It’s the steady accumulation of these moments that paves the path to your larger goals.”

So, don’t wait for the grand finale; revel in the journey itself, savoring every step you take toward your aspirations.

5. Social Interaction & Competition

In games, we have party quests, tournaments, guilds, and player-vs-player battles that introduce an extra dimension of competitiveness and excitement that truly evaluates the gaming experience.

Similarly in life, aim to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your interests or goals. Engage in communities or pursuits that offer chances for teamwork, encouragement, and constructive rivalry. Post and share your ideas/projects on the internet to garner feedback, develop a community, and connect with individuals.

Examples: Make use of forums and social media platforms such as Linkedin, Reddit, Kaggle, and Meetups. Like reading? Join a book club! Passionate about certain industries? Connect and proactively invite people on Linkedin for meet-ups.


A game without many challenges is boring. Likewise, if you avoid tackling more substantial challenges in your life, it may become mundane and lackluster.

Dedicate significant portions of your life to exploration and experimentation, keep learning and trying — embrace new experiences, take risks, and forge new connections.

Remember, the depth of one’s failure determines the height of one’s success. In games, you know you are in the right direction when you meet bad guys. The further you progress, the more enchanting, challenging, and fulfilling your life becomes.

Stay tuned for my upcoming article where I’ll delve into how I integrated these elements into my life and the positive impact they’ve had on me :)



Benedict Then

I am a Data Analyst 📊 who loves inspiring through shared experiences! 🌱I share bite-size content on Tiktok too! @excelus1 | @thethirdthoughts.