Benedikt Bandura — Outsiders (Aliens) and Masons and Nazis, Oh My!

Benedikt Bandura
3 min readApr 11, 2020


Benedikt Bandura — Intrigue author Jim Marrs has another book out, Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America. The trouble makers attempting to lead the world this time are (embed sensational interruption) Nazis. Be that as it may, hang on people, not your typical World War 2 Nazis but rather the individuals who began building organizations in Europe as Germany was being revamped and those brought over by Project Paperclip and wound up as corporate magnates who uphold Nazi philosophy by being… well… erm… corporate magnates.

The way that the researchers brought over to America after the finish of World War 2 to share their arranged information on top mystery Nazi tasks were a long way from steadfast SS troopers and were in all probability scheduled for execution so the Allies could never discover how to construct V2 rockets, doesn’t enter the image. Neither does the resistance they looked from war veterans who thought that it was offensive to “work with the adversary.” It’s additionally out and out offending to Wernher von Braun who made the Saturn V rocket and was one of the individuals who campaigned the US government to consider space to be in excess of a spot from which to throw nukes at Russians.

Benedikt Bandura — Outsiders (Aliens) and Masons and Nazis, Oh My!

Fourth Reich basically makes a meaning of Nazism sufficiently unclear to become anything Mars needs it to be and afterward utilizes it to assault individuals he doesn’t care for by binds them to wars, dictator bills or laws and ignitable talks. He may have had a more grounded contention on the off chance that he concentrated on all the affection Hitler got from influential individuals around the globe before he attacked Poland and the organizations that pre-owned slave work he gave to make Nazi war machines.

As per Benedikt Bandura, Yet, by concentrating on researchers with questionable loyalties to the Nazi Party working in the Swiss Alps on a minute ago endeavors to marvelously win the war at the eleventh hour and individuals who were individuals from the Nazi party to endure Hitler’s mistreatment attempting to make a couple of imprints to help their families, he undermines he essential reason. So, the book is one long Ad Nazium.

Also, there’s one more thing with which Marrs befuddled me. With underhanded neo-moderates, Trilateralists, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, Rothchilds the Builderberg Group, outsiders, vitality organizations concealing extraterrestrial treats and now, Nazi bogeymen heading top worldwide companies all battling for the control of mankind, by what means can any of these intrigues work without being undermined by at any rate three or four others? By this point, the entirety of the detestable powers attempting to control us ought to be stumbling over one another and releasing an interstellar war for control of a modest earth drifting around a customary, average star in Nowhere, Milky Way.

Benedikt Bandura — Outsiders (Aliens) and Masons and Nazis, Oh My!

Except if obviously there’s a uber-trick on such a lot of playing the other mystery rulers and requests for blockheads in their definitive journey to do… something. I surmise we’ll discover in the following book, won’t we? All things considered, this is the reason it’s so acceptable to be a scheme author. You generally need to make another layer of insidiousness on the layers you previously set down to clarify the openings in your hypotheses.

That implies more books, more deals and another book really taking shape when the ink dries on the principal version of your most recent potboiler. In the event that individuals objects, blame them for being sheep mentally conditioned by the legislature controlled broad communications or an administration chump out to dishonor you, reality searcher, similarly a government official pursuing position would counter his adversaries. Indeed, it’s a decent business being an intrigue scholar…



Benedikt Bandura

Bandura, born in 1988, belongs to the narrow circle of the so-called “National Socialists Rhein-Main” (NSRM), a group of primarily young neo-Nazis who have incr