How to Get Group Health Insurance Leads

2 min readApr 24, 2019


There is nothing better for ambitious health insurance agents who want a consistent source of income than buying group health insurance leads from a reputable lead generation company, like

If the group health insurance for small and large companies is your target market, then here are some tips you can rely on to keep those leads consistent. The number one goal is to sell group health insurance policies to employers and businesses, no matter their size. Regardless of company size, however, most employers tend to regard health insurance as a benefit to be offered to workers and they want to find a group health plan that does not bankrupt them.

Always make sure that before calling businesses or buying group health insurance leads, you know your policies and pricing inside out. Being able to answer any questions about your policies and their pricing plans is a key skill. A well-informed agent will be able to predict most common questions and give informative responses. Quality customer service is the number one quality of a successful agent. While you may not land your potential customer on the first call, you know that by following up with business owners that your chances of a conversion greatly increase every time you reach out to potential leads with information to any of their queries.

Working with business owners means understanding and adapting your timetable to theirs. Although business owners do not have much time to stop and talk, they do have time to make appointments if you approach that suggestion by meeting their scheduling demands. Go to their home, take them for a coffee, offer to meet them extra early before business hours, or later, after the business closes. Just be available whenever they can meet with you. The more you indicate you are willing to work with their schedule, the more likely it is they make the time to discuss group health insurance.

Persistence and consistency are other vital skills any agent should possess. These qualities become even more important when dealing with business owners. Always be respectfully persistent to sell them the best group health insurance you have to offer. Act consistently to keep the leads in play and avoid the possibility that another insurance agent may work the leads and succeed if you do not follow up. You know that the competition is fierce. Lead the charge to success with consistent contact, excellent policies and sterling customer service. Be a step ahead of the competition.

Even though the marketplace is uncertain at the moment, persistence, consistency, willingness to work with business owners on their terms and excellent costumer service makes you and what you are offering well worth discussing and considering.




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