What Is A Good Abandoned Cart Recovery Rate In Emails?

Ben Erdelyi
2 min readDec 10, 2019


A.k.a. How Many Abandoned Carts Should You Recover ?

The abandoned cart flow should be the first email sequence that you set up for your eCommerce store, regardless of whether you are in the fashion, the supplements or the erotic toys industry.

Here are some basic stats (these are generic numbers, they should be higher if you are a brand, and probably lower if you are in dropshipping):

Cart Abandonment Email Open Rate: What percent of your cart recovery campaign emails are opened? According to MooSend, 45% of cart abandonment emails are opened on average.

Cart Abandonment Email Click Through Rate: What percent of your cart recovery campaign emails that are opened are acted upon by clicking through to your site? According to MooSend, 21% of the emails are clicked on.

Cart Abandonment Email Conversion Rate: The percentage of your emails that result in a recovered cart. According to MooSend, 10.7% completed their purchase!

How to calculate this in Klaviyo?

  1. Go to your abandoned cart flow
  2. Click on “Show analytics”
  3. Add up the conversion rates
  4. Et voila!

The conclusion: If your abandoned cart recovery rate is above 10%, you are doing a decent job. Above 20% is exceptional :)



P.S. If you get above 20% recovery rate, make sure to comment under this post, I am curious about your secret method!



Ben Erdelyi

🚀 Hey, this is Ben! I help big eCom brands skyrocket with email marketing. Click below to find out how 👇https://www.thebudaimedia.com/