The Ultimate Guide To the Jumpshot [The Roadmap to becoming an Elite Shooter]

Ben Killen 📲 @beniskillen
3 min readSep 9, 2021


This is Your Shooting Roadmap from Zero to Shooting Master. It’s the progressive road to expert on the skill of jump shooting.

Shooting is something that has long been a skill that many basketball players have desired to master.

Fortunately for you, we at the Sydney Supersonics have pooled together all of the best resources in the world to create the complete guide to shooting the basketball based on fundamental principles of skill acquisition & motor learning.

As Scientifically minded coaches, we find that much of what is out there today on skill development is far too anecdotally based. When it comes to optimising skill development, this simply doesn’t cut it.

To get a full rundown of shot to shoot like a pro, check out our video above. For all accompanying material & access to the entire framework, bonus content & our forum of coaches, sign up to the Elite Athlete Blueprint. Your first 30 days is free!

The Ultimate Guide to Shooting the Basketball
See The First 8 Levels of Our Guide To Shooting Featured in The Elite Athlete Blueprint & the Video Above [Click HERE To Get Access To the Guide]

Key Factors & Tips

  1. Consistency: To be a great shooter we need to practice every single day. Whether it’s getting in actual reps (as little as 20 can create skill gains) or simply mentally rehearsing (see why mental rehearsal works here), consistency will be the thing that creates the motor patterns to make you a great shooter.
  2. Understanding the Theory of skill development: No two performances are ever the same. That’s the fundamental theory of Dynamic Systems & Degrees of Freedom. What that means is that each time we shoot the ball we’re dealing with tonnes of complex variables in the pursuit of ONE goal (getting the ball in the hoop). As such, there is no perfect rep, only a set of consistent factors that produce a certain result. For many players, this is freeing as they worry about shooting off-balance. This kind of practice can help in the game. Focus on a variety of stimuli & constantly challenge yourself.
  3. Noticing Progress & Creating Reward Mechanisms: We enjoy what we’re good at. Motivation comes from continually feeling like we’re progressing. The secret to becoming good at something is tricking yourself into thinking that every time you practice you get a little bit better (even if you can’t exactly notice it). Skill acquisition works because we as humans are adaptive machines. Whenever we practice our skill acquisition becomes stronger, even if it’s one session of 1 minute. Expert performance is about 100,000 of these minutes compounding over years.
  4. Perfect Practice [there’s no such thing]: We don’t forget how to ride a bike. There’s no perfect way to do it. Only a goal that needs to be accomplished.
  5. 3–4 days per week minimum.
  6. Mental Practice every day.
Get 1% better every day. It adds up!

Video Summary & Key Notes

00:00 — Intro [Why This Guide to Shooting Is Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before]

  • The problem with most players when they look to learn shooting is that they don’t understand how skill acquisition works.
  • By understanding the roadmap & journey that needs to be taken, players can much more easily continue their progress as shooters.

01:56 — The Framework [The Most Comprehensive Shooting Guide You Will Ever See]

03:10 — The Biggest Thing That Stops Basketball Players from Becoming Great Shooters [Progess Principle]

06:20 — Why Watching Video Footage & Film Is the Key to Becoming Elite At Shooting

07:00 — How To Use This Guide [Why It’s Set Up in Two Stages]

08:10 — The Theory of Shooting The Basketball

16:30 — How to Get Started With the Levels

20:30 — How to Progress Through At the Right Level For You [Based on Age & Training Experience]

