The new Scholarly Journal

Alex Benjamin
2 min readNov 23, 2015


Scholarly Journals are boring, hard to accress, and too complicated. How do we update these informative articles to appeal to a large audience? Education is important for society to continue advancing. To “fix” scholarly journals, more people need to be interested and want to read them. Personally I am not a huge fan of reading. However, I love documentaries. I am a visual learner, having an image along with whatever I am learning helps tremendously. This is what i believe should be incorporated into the scholarly journals we have today.

Our generation is dumb. Not book smart dumb, but socially dumb. We have the attention span of a squirrel. Reading is becoming overrated. Young adults love looking at their phones, watching highlights and funny videos rather than reading a good book. Obviously this is not everyone I am talking about, however, a vast percentage of people do act in this manner. So to accommodate for their inability to focus, we need to introduce some sort of attention grabber to scholarly articles.

“57 / 365 — I spent the afternoon being surrounded by shouting” by Q, Martin Public Domain Mark 1.0 CC

Scholarly articles are starting to be kept online in databases rather than libraries. With this transition there is an opportunity to add some sort of flare that draws the intention of the reader. Such improvements would be to incorperate video evidence and other images showing the data. Conceptually this idea seems childish, however, if it was done in a professional manner it would be legit. Using something like this video concept other people that are not “professionals” can be included on the creating of the scholarly journal article. This team would create a more engaging article, however, there would still be peer review for that step is very important of the legitimacy of the article.

The small things that would grab the audiences attention is how to improve scholarly articles. The purpose of this is to not make it look more like a blog or a youtube channel, its to adapt to today’s society. Attention spans are short, and to attract a larger audience the material must appear more interesting.

