50 Days of Python: 5 Questions You Should Try

Benjamin Bennett Alexander
3 min readMay 25, 2022

I recently released a book called 50 Days of Python: A Challenge a Day (March 2022). The idea behind the book was to help people that want to improve their Python skills to commit to doing one challenge a day for 50 days. If they are not limited with time, they can do it quicker. The book extensively covers Python topics at the basic and intermediate levels. This is basically the stuff you need if you have started your journey to learn Python and you want to tackle some challenges. There are more than 50 challenges in this book. In this article, am going to share with you, 5 challenges from the book that I think you should try.

1. Most Repeated Name and Sort by Last Name

On day 30, there are two challenges to complete. These challenges test your skills in sorting strings. You have to know when to use the string sort method or the sorted() function. How about sorting strings by the last name, how do you go about it? is there some built-in module that you can import to make your life easier for such a challenge? Flex your Python muscles below:

2. Reading CSV Files

This challenge tests your knowledge to work with CSV files. How to read files and how to extract certain information from files. In this challenge, you are asked to extract digits from a passage saved on a CSV file. It is important to know how to work with files if you are a Python developer. Can you work with CSV files?

3. Password Generator

Think about it, password generators are part of the internet now. Most websites generate a password for a user. This challenge tests your ability to set up a password generator that meets three different conditions. That sounds like a good question to practice conditional statements on.

4. Spelling Checker

On Day 42, you are asked to create a spelling checker. Can you make one using the textblob module? You have to install and import it to use it. This challenge also tests your ability to work with input data from the user.

5. Count Elements in a String

If someone gave you a text and they ask you to write a code that counts how many special characters, numbers, and words are in the string, how would you go about it? That is what this challenge is about. This challenge also asks that you present your answer in a dictionary format.


These five challenges are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other questions in this book to help you level up your Python skills. The answers to these challenges are in the book. Get the book below:



Benjamin Bennett Alexander

Tech ( Python, Data science and Blockchain) and Finance enthusiast. I just share stories.