Conformity Vs Individuality

2 min readSep 2, 2020


What is Conformity ?

This is when someone complies with rules or regulations, relating to social norms or an expectation. When a person conforms to the world he or she is part of the crowd.

What is Individuality?

This is a quality or character that separates a person or thing from others. An individual doesn’t conform to society social standards but will create his or her own path.


This isn’t a bad thing as following the law or paying your taxes, but constantly following others or trying to fit into their circle is when it becomes a problem.

Conformity creates a change in behaviour for people to act a certain way that isn’t their authentic self.

There’s a lot of people who don’t feel like their selves, also known as imposter syndrome.

Imposter Syndrome – A concept that describes individuals who are marked by an inability to internalise their accomplishments and a persistent fear of being exposed as a ‘fraud.’


Embracing our individuality is vital for personal success, because trying to hide who we are or change ourselves to fit into the crowd decreases our sense of self-worth, esteem which in turn increases our insecurities.

There’s no one that can be you but yourself because there’s only one you. Be different in a world where people want you to be the same as them, pursue your own dreams, goals, business ideas or career.

‘Clean your own room’ – Jordan Peterson

This is a good idea because even in the simple things of making your bed you’ve already completed the first task of the day, before you can start a business that flourish in the third or fourth year, pursuing a career in media/ finance industry.

8 Steps to Take Ownership Of Your Life:

  1. Journal your thoughts
  2. Exercise
  3. Go for a walk
  4. Stop blaming people for your problems
  5. Live in the present moment
  6. Call a family member/friends
  7. Write a letter to your future self
  8. Create a visionboard for any dreams, goals
  9. Be consistent


If we want a better life we must take ownership of ourselves first before we can help others and collectively work as a group.




Podcaster - @ThinkingOutLoudpod Instagram - @benacquaah_ Enjoy writing in my free time to express my views about the world.