Manliness and Outsider Virtues

Would you rather follow a masculine dominator or an alienated loser?

Benjamin Cain
Grim Tidings
Published in
8 min readJan 2, 2020


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Manly men are an endangered breed. So says some manly men who criticize feminism, progressive politics, and consumerism for casting masculinity as toxic. See, for example, the Order of Men, a men’s support group which advocates for strong and competent men. Their motto is “Protect. Provide. Preside.”

To quote from their flagship video, “We live in a world where being a man is no longer a requirement for a male. It’s optional. You have to choose to be a man. You have to choose to exhibit strength. Choose to make yourself capable of protecting yourself and others. Choose to develop the skills to more adequately provide for yourself and your loved ones. Choose to lead virtuously with strength and courage.”

This group is about “finding and harnessing the raw masculine energy that for so many reasons has been silenced for way too long.” The reason for this group, according to the video, is that, “The world needs leaders. The world needs engaged fathers in the home, powerful entrepreneurs in the business community, and intelligent and effective leaders at the city, state, and national levels. The world needs men.”

Late-Modern Threats to Masculinity

