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44 Important Truths to Remember While Creating A Bigger Future

Benjamin Hardy, PhD


Here is a list of important things to remember and apply as you go through the ups and downs of creating a bigger, better future.

  • “Measure the gain, not the gap.” Dan Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach, created the idea of “measuring the gain.” It’s simple: instead of constantly measuring yourself against your future ideal, measure yourself against where you were previously. By seeing progress, your confidence and sense of momentum will increase. Your gratitude will increase. Your appreciation of where you are now will increase.
  • Measure progress every day, week, month, quarter, year. At the end of each day, take the time to review and report any forms of progress. A few small wins every single day is all you need. Albert Einstein said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it.” The way to create a “compound effect” in your life is through consistent, small actions every single day. Invest a little bit of money — even a few dollars — every day and over a decade, you’ll be rich. Read a little bit — even a few pages — every day and over a lifetime, you’ll be wise. Look back every day and measure your progress. Look back every week and measure your progress. Every month, every 90 days, every year. These short 10–30 minute “review” sessions…



Benjamin Hardy, PhD

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