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Turn Your Alarm Clock Into A Positive Trigger

Train yourself to immediately excite upon waking.

Benjamin Hardy, PhD
6 min readAug 8, 2020


You can wake up first thing in the morning with excitement. You can hear that alarm, get up, and your mind is already sharp. But in order to do so, you need to do a few things first. This article will show you how:

Put Your Alarm Across The Room

This is environment design. You need to set up the situation to make the desired result happen. It’s also a forcing function — the fact that the alarm is across the room or in some different room literally forces you out of bed to turn it off.

I know there’s a lot of talk about circadian rhythms and not disrupting sleep cycles — but I don’t buy it. Instead, I buy the fact that you can wake up and get energized if you want to and believe you need to. And if you sleep over 7 hours per night, you’re doing great.

Re-Set Your Routine Based On Your Current Goals

Every routine gets stale overtime. The point of a routine is to trigger a flow state so you can create massive progress. However, what got you here won’t get you there. Just because one routine or “process” helped you in the past doesn’t mean it will help you now.



Benjamin Hardy, PhD

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