I’m Ripping Off Tim Ferris

Benjamin Singer
4 min readApr 7, 2017


Tim Ferriss, if you’re reading this, that’s dopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

“I organize my life into 6 month projects in a series of 2 week experiments.”

I heard this one off line on the Tim Ferris show. It seamed a simple instruction, so I decided to give it a try. I suffer from wanting to do everything at once in an attempt to concurrently improve all my life’s deficiencies. The problem is - it never works. The only things I have ever really become good at are the things I obsess over. I’m get captivated to the point I start blowing other activities off, which appears to be critical to being good at anything. Why not quantify that, which is why I decided to steal Mr. Ferriss’ methodology.

As for the what, I want to be jacked. More precisely, I want to be in premier physical condition. For a plethora of reasons I’ve made improving my body’s health and appearance my 6-month project. I know already that the major components of this will be diet and exercise. I need to develop the habits, one at a time, until my auto-pilot settings are that of an impressive physical specimen. Each of the habits, I will add 2 weeks at a time. The reason I will label these “experiments” is I can then ditch the phycological heft of “oh god, this has to last forever”. I can ditch anything after 2 weeks. Or, if it’s too difficult, I can tweak it to something more practical and attempt that modified version the next two weeks. I view it as a win-win. Best yet, I never have to think too hard beyond 2 weeks. Simplicity is the linch-pin of this operation.

Where to start? I’ve been standardizing breakfast and lunch with a base diet that is quick, simple, and ridiculously healthy. Life often gets in the way, but my life is fairly predictable for those two meals. It’s a quick win that can ground me in health. My core 3 meals that are the current experiment:

Breakfast: Smoothie in a Vitamix blender. This is simple Banana + Almond Milk + whatever I have else lying around. I usually buy a bag of frozen fruits to add, but being a Vitamix, I can add a clementine/ apples/ whatever fruit or nuts or anything I may have lying around. This also has an opportunity to improve, as I can make a future 2-week experiment to max out the nutrition of the smoothie. For now, I like the easy as all hell nature to my current setup.

Lunch 1: Vegetable stew cooked in a slow cooker. Inspired by Josh Spodek, I go to the farmers market and buy a gaggle of root vegetables. I mix it up and take a bite of each before I throw it in the stew. The goal here is to get a more intimate understanding of the different flavors of vegetables. I hypothesize I can teach my body to crave veggies, and this is the major means to do so. I also create a spice broth I throw in with lentils for heft and additional flavor. Its different every time, which creates variety necessary to maintain my sanity.

Check out those sexy veggies.

There is room to improve this process by getting a pressure cooker, as Josh Spodek does in the linked video. He can whip up a batch of stew in 30 minutes with such a tool, given him more control. This could be another experiment.

Lunch 2: I get lazy. A lot. Sometimes I don’t go to the farmers market because I decided to stay out a little too late. If such is the case, there is a cafeteria down the street from my work that makes everything half price after 2:30. I can go here and make myself a salad with veggies and a meat for taste. It’s a solid, healthy, and cheap backup.

I’ve actually been working these for a little longer than 2 weeks, but there have been many tweaks along the way. I’m going to run it back once more as my focus, then perhaps I’ll branch into dinner.

For dinner, I just do whatever. I have found, however, that focusing on health for the first two meals has a carry over the effect that makes me target healthier dinner options. That said, I only have so much mental currency in a given week. I’m close to having breakfast and lunch on autopilot, so perhaps dinner is the next frontier.

2 weeks ago I clocked in at 213 on the scale. Yesterday I was 208. Hooray improvement(For reference, I’m 6'3", so I’m not as fat as that weight might suggest, you judgmental assholes)! I’m already progressing tangibly towards my goal.

Please Note: My main goal is to document my health forays, so I may rush the posting at the expense of some grammar and higher quality writing. I need to learn to churn out words faster, and I’d love to condense these posts to one day a week. Wish me luck!

