I Consulted For a Multi-Million Dollar Company and Here are 3 Things I Learned

Consulting can be very nuanced and getting acquainted with the nuances comes with a willingness to be open-minded

Benjamin J. Obeng
5 min readJul 23, 2019
A Plane with a fancy illustration on its side takes to the skies
Photo by Ethan McArthur on Unsplash

I just concluded a 23-day consulting engagement. It was a surreal experience that saw me learn so much in such a short time. This was not the first time I’d been a part of a consulting engagement. However, this was the first time I had been at the forefront.

Let me explain that in Spartan war terms.

I used to be the Spartan all the way at the back in battle. That Spartan whispering to his brothers: “What’s going on at the front?” and then being met with a gruff “beats me” and a shrug of the shoulders.

This time, things were different. I was at the front line, witnessing the battle for myself, screaming guttural war cries to put fear in the heart of my enemies, charging with a sword in hand, slashing… okay, you get the picture.

I was on a team of three entrusted with a ton of responsibility. Three musketeers going out alone into the night to hunt our enemies and… (Okay this was the last one I promise).

The company is a multi-million dollar travel agency based in the United Kingdom, looking to expand…



Benjamin J. Obeng

Entrepreneur. Writer without a Cape (yes writers are heroes too) Art Lover. Unashamed.