Here’s some seriously great news for your restaurant: You can now STOP DISCOUNTING your food!

Benjy Stoch
2 min readJul 13, 2019


Your current discount-centric marketing plan is a race to the bottom, while CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE trumps all.

The South African restaurant industry as over traded as it’s ever been. As a result, food operators are scrambling for customers and are prepared to have an ongoing, margin eroding DISCOUNT WAR which is actually a race to the bottom.

On Wednesday last week, 702 RADIO had a really interesting interview with 2 informed sources who reported that South Africa has the 3rd most discount-obsessed consumers in the world.

Your competitors have jumped on that bandwagon, fuelling your customers’ insatiable appetite for the next discount. So much so, that food operators are even inflating prices and then ‘offering a discount’ to satisfy this discount-hunger.

  1. Consider this: World renowned Jay Baer from Convince and convert (author of best seller: TALK TRIGGERS) says: “In 2019 and beyond, the battle will not be won on the price page or product features, but rather on the entirety of your customer experience”.
  2. Instead of basing your entire marketing effort around your next discount offer, rather plan to offer your best customers incredible value through a trend-bucking experience.
  3. Read Jay’s article, listen to the 702 interview and start to rethink your strategy.

Click here to read Jay’s:

Why Customer Experience is the Ultimate Marketing Tool

Click here to listen to the 702 radio interview:

South Africa has the 3rd most discount-obsessed consumers in the world

Stand out from your competitors, maintain your profitability and grow your loyal, repeat-customers through offering them the greatest, most valuable experience.

Anyone can offer a massive discount to entice a customer. But this erodes profit (you know: profit, that reason for being in business!) and doesn’t build loyalty. You’ll spend money on telling people about your discount-deal and then, when they make use of your advertised offer, you miss out on profiting from their spend.

Rethink this process and rather work towards ‘hitting a nerve’ that keeps your customers coming back. At the same time, have THEM tell others about how great you are.

By Benjy Stoch for Till Direct

Most restaurants in SA rely on a 3rd party to do their digital business. Till Direct makes your restaurant digital. Own your customer.



Benjy Stoch

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