Exploring Essential Oils

Ben Keene
3 min readJan 21, 2019


(Blog Post from my wife: Susannah)

I’d heard about Essential Oils but I never really understood what they were or how to use them. I knew they smelt good and that they had properties that could help with your wellbeing but beyond that I was clueless.

In the second week here on Ko Lanta, Thailand, we were visited by a friend of Ben’s that he had worked with in Amsterdam and she kindly gave me an oil — ‘Holiday Blend’ — as a visiting present. Over coffee, I heard about her success stories of using oils with members of her family and I began to become more curious. Our busy lives soon took over, however, and the oil she had given me became buried in a pile of ‘stuff’ on the counter in our kitchen and I never found the time to re-visit the subject. But then the oils found me again!

This time a lovely family, who were travelling around the world, moved into the villa next door to us and over supper one evening we learnt how Essential Oils had dramatically helped one of their children. Their son had been told by paediatricians that he may struggle to walk and that there was nothing they could do to help him. Under guidance from a friend, they tried applying Essential Oils and within months he made rapid progress.

Over time, they discovered how the oils could benefit their family and friends in so many other ways and they loved it so much that they have now changed their careers to sharing knowledge and building a business around DoTERRA’s Essential Oils. Our eldest daughter, Isla, had been suffering for a year with skin conditions that we couldn’t quite shift so Kristi suggested I try an oil blend of Juniper Berry, Lavender and Helichrysum and 3 weeks later Isla’s skin was clear; and there was my signal to dig deep and build my knowledge.

Natural medicine has been an interest of mine for some time and for many years I have envisaged myself re-training in this area after our kids are all out of nappies (almost there!) I suffered from M.E. for 14 years and during that time I used a range of treatments (including reflexology, diet, bach flowers, homeopathy, naturopathy and NLP) to try and overcome the illness. The experience opened my eyes to understanding that there are natural ways to treat health issues and that it isn’t always necessary, or indeed possible, to solve everything with chemicals and drugs.

My curiosity led me to completing my Reiki Level 1 whilst in Bali in 2015 and from here I certainly learnt to appreciate that we cannot understand everything in this world and that there are powerful, natural energies that influence our well-being. I have now completed my Practitioner Level and am fascinated to explore the power of this further and help others to re-balance and overcome challenges in their lives. I strongly believe that natural medicines have an important role to play in our everyday health and well-being alongside traditional medicine.

I am now experimenting with my ‘Family Essentials’ kit of oils from DoTERRA and have been using my family as guinea pigs! In just one week Lavender has helped with our kids’ sleep and itchy mosquito bites, Tea Tree has eased my husband’s ulcers, Deep Blue has relieved my father’s aches and pains and I have been taking Lemon and Frankincense internally to help cleanse, detoxicate and support my well-being. It’s already pretty obvious that these oils have a role to play in our family and that they each have a multitude of therapeutic properties. I’m excited to explore and learn more and share with friends and family.

Alongside using and sharing the oils, Kristi and Ian have offered Ben and I an opportunity to set up the UK side of their business — sharing and selling oils there. We feel extremely lucky as it not only has the potential to help and support those we care most about, but also for us to build a flexible business around something we feel passionate.

If you’d like to try some samples then please let me know what the health or well-being challenge you are tackling and I’ll see if I can help > Essential Oils UK (our website)

What is an Essential Oil?


Aromatic Science



Ben Keene

co-founder @RebelBookClub non-fiction community @raaise startups fixing climate http://benkeene.com