Drake and building a new home for creators

Ben Keighran
2 min readFeb 11, 2020


Welcome to Caffeine, Drake and URL

From the day I started Caffeine, the goal has been to transform the relationship between creators and their audiences. Job number one was creating a new kind of entertainment experience that would spark joy in people. It was much more than just designing a killer user experience, though. We also created a new home for entertainers, gamers, and athletes where they come to produce authentic, live content for their fans. Now, every day we get to witness these magical moments where the dream of the creators and the audience’s reality meet.

Today, I could not be more excited to share the news that Drake is coming to Caffeine. He is making Caffeine his exclusive live streaming home and will use the platform to produce and curate all kinds of new content for his millions of fans around the world. His channel will premier later this month, kicking off with a series of battle raps that we are co-producing with Ultimate Rap League (URL). We have been working closely with Drake and his team for months and there is so much great stuff in store for his fans. It will all be live, authentic, and absolutely amazing. Please come check it out.

I’m particularly excited about the battle raps. Battle rap has been around since the early 2000s and has a massive community of fans that has largely stayed underground. Smack White co-founded URL and is the godfather of battle rap culture. For Smack and Drake, Caffeine is a way to bring battle rap to a new platform, expose it to new audiences and really elevate the battle scene. It is exactly the reason we created Caffeine and I’m grateful that Drake, Smack and their communities will be coming to Caffeine to check it all out.

The team here at Caffeine is a brilliant collection of inventors, visionaries, craftspeople and artists, all with shared values around what we are creating. I am grateful for their purpose and their drive, and I am privileged to work alongside them as we head into this next chapter. For us, this is just the beginning and the start of many great things to come.

