Kubuntu or Ubuntu: KDE Or GNOME?

3 min readJul 14, 2023


I am a fan of Linux and ubuntu. I remember the first time I met ubutnu was version 9 of this operating system, but I can say that compared to before, ubuntu has reached a good maturity and includes all modern features and an attractive appearance.

Kubuntu and Ubuntu versions 22.02 now

Sometimes I like to test different distributions and alternative desktops that exist, and recently I decided to install and review the KDE desktop environment based on what I saw online. So I downloaded Kubuntu, which is a distribution based on Ubuntu but with KDE desktop, and installed it on my system.

Kubuntu environment

Pros of Kubuntu OS :

The things that caught my attention were the interesting animations in it that conveyed a good feeling. At first, it was a bit difficult for me to find some menus and settings because it is completely different from GNOME.
Anyway, I got to know it quickly. This environment has many features and customization capabilities, you can easily choose various themes and colors for your menu and pages, on the other hand, it is user-friendly and you feel everything is available.

Cons of Kubuntu os :

Some default programs that are used in it may not be very nice, for example vlc is a good player, but it was not interesting for default use in a system!
The next thing I encountered was various errors when using some programs and I realized that to fix some of these problems I need to install certain software that is not already installed on Kubuntu while you in Ubuntu does not have these problems.

Install this program on Kubuntu

Or, for example, every time I opened vscode, I had to enter my system password once, and this was a bit annoying for me.

Which operating system to choose?

In general, with Kubuntu you can do all your work and enjoy the KDE environment. But be prepared that a number of small problems and challenges may arise for you, and you will have to spend time to solve them. The big advantage of Ubuntu now is that you are less involved in operating system problems and you can focus on your work, and it can still be a more suitable option than its competitors.

I’m now back to Ubuntu 22.04 but I’m using KDE on one of my older laptops

However, Ubuntu has become a powerful and attractive option, statistics have recently been published that the dominance of Linux in desktop computers has increased to 3%. In my opinion, this number will increase rapidly and why is there no reason for its growth? If you are a Windows user, what do you do for your daily affairs? Surfing the web, watching movies, listening to music or using the office suite?! All this is available in Ubuntu for free! Even after installing a Linux distribution on your personal computer, you don’t need to download different types of drivers and in most cases the operating system recognizes them.

Try new things and enjoy life.

