RaiBlocks Light Wallet — Part 0

Ben Kray
2 min readJan 20, 2018


After getting into RaiBlocks, I noticed there wasn’t an iOS light wallet yet so my brother (UI/UX designer) and I decided to dive into creating our own. The project is still a work in progress, and will be uploaded to my GitHub upon completion. Keep in mind, we both work full time so we’re pretty limited on how much time we can put into the project.

I’d like to point out that we are not affiliated with the official RaiBlocks dev team, and this is not the official RaiBlocks mobile app. We are, however, excited to be a part of an awesome RaiBlocks dev community.

  • Platform: iOS
  • Development: Native (Swift, C)
  • Languages: English, Japanese, Korean
  • Open source: soon

Core Features

  • ☑️ create a new wallet via passphrase (12-word BIP39 mnemonic)
  • ☑️ import wallet via seed (32-byte hex)
  • ☑️ import wallet via passphrase (12-word BIP39 mnemonic)
  • ☑️ multiple accounts with same seed
  • ☑️ open, send, receive, change blocks (account creation, send/receive, change representative)
  • ☑️ biometrics
  • 🔘 configure node address
  • 🔘 language localization
  • 🔘 address book
  • 🔘 balance in various currencies including # of lambos*

