The Deck We Used to Raise $1M

Ben Lang
The Startup
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2015

I’m no expert on fundraising. My only experience so far has been our seed round. As a first timer, studying other pitch decks was a key part of the process. Learning what other people did right (or wrong) was tremendously valuable.

When we raised our round a few months back, I looked through at least thirty decks. And no, I’m not talking about Linkedin’s Series B deck or Airbnb’s seed presentation. I’m talking about decks from peers around me. People were always hesitant about sharing their decks though. Understandably, it’s very private…

To make things easier for other beginner entrepreneurs fundraising I’m making our original deck public. (It’s not embedded, click the link to open.)

A few basic things I learned from my experience with this deck:

  • Some form of traction + team above all else.
  • No one listens after the demo.
  • Don’t waste too much of your time on the design. (We didn’t.)
  • 10–12 slides of content is perfect.
  • Made 10 different versions of the deck. Iterated every few weeks.
  • A lot will change with time. Possibly everything will. 😂

I know many other startups have shared their presentations, but I’ve rarely seen that in Israel. I’d love to see more Israeli startups publish their decks for the benefit of the local ecosystem.

I’m very excited about continuing to make Mapme more transparent. Grateful to our investors who’ve given us an amazing opportunity to do so. More to come! 👌

Want to chat? / @benln

