Benn Matthew
2 min readJan 13, 2019

‘For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption” (Psalm 16:10)

There are many prophecies concerning our Lord Jesus Christ in the book of Psalms. His coming on the earth, his ministry, his sufferings and the death that he died for the mankind are all prophesied in the book of Psalms. The above prophecy is also about him and it talks about his resurrection. The word ‘Sheol’ is a Hebrew term which means ‘grave’. So, it implies that Jesus will not be abandoned in the grave forever, as the almighty God will raise him up. As prophesied, after his death, God raised him up on the third day and thus he was not in the grave forever. We see apostle Peter uses this same verse in the book of Acts in the New Testament to preach the good news of the gospel (Acts 2:22-41). Truly, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a good news for all of us. Because, scripture says, through Jesus Christ there is a hope of resurrection for everyone! If we walk in the path of Jesus and hold on to his teachings, God will also raise us up from the grave one day, and glorify us with the eternal blessings. Amen!

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