Benn Matthew
2 min readJul 28, 2018

“Then the Lord said to Isaiah, “Go out, you and your son Shear-Jashub, to meet Ahaz at the end of the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, on the road to the Launderer’s Field” (Isaiah 7:3)

King Ahaz of Judah was in great fear as King Rezin of Aram had settled in the northern kingdom to attack Jerusalem. At that time, God asked Isaiah to go and meet King Ahaz. Moreover, God told Isaiah to take his son ‘Shear-Jashub’ along with him. Isaiah had two sons and both of them had prophetic meanings. Shear-Jashub means ‘a remnant shall return’. Thus God assures Ahaz through Shear-Jashub that even though Jerusalem is under attack, it will never be conquered and there will be a remnant left in Judah. Unfortunately, Ahaz did not trust God, rather he allied with the Assyrian kingdom. Though the king of Assyria protected Judah during that war, the alliance with Assyria brought more trouble for Ahaz. He became a slave to Assyria, and paid large tributes to them from the temple treasures. By trusting the fleshly strength, Ahaz made a wrong choice. Hence, let us always trust God and His great promises. Amen!

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