10,000 Words, 1 Post, No Comments


4 min readFeb 20, 2023

Ever had that great idea, you be like DAMN how is that even possible? You can feel the idea come to life but it’s just not there yet. It’s like when you know something but just can’t put it into words. Well, I think I reached that point, that moment after a long day, immediately the idea comes, you grab a notepad and write your way to sleep. We all have to agree that some of the best ideas come at the most unexpected times.

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Aron Burden-From Unsplash

Unexpected as it may seem, great things seem to be innovated, from chaos to order. Before writing was my thing, there was a point I would question where thoughts came from, and where solutions came from. Like how did the first person sit his way to make a chair? How did he create such an invention that has benefited the human race for generations? And are our thoughts just random?

What is your story LED
Etienne Girardet-From Unsplash

Well, most of us are not as curious as we once were, but some of these puzzling thoughts are what lead me to adventure a new habit, to make writing part of who I am. With no time, I had started dabbling into philosophy and metaphysics, one of my greatest mentors being Bob proctor, and Napoleon Hill, I found myself reading tons of their literature hoping to quench my desire for curiosity. I would spend sleepless nights trying to figure out, how we bring ideas to life, how we create characters and personalities that greatly influence people, and majorly why rich people are rich and others suffer.

Hot red rose
Zach Vessels-From Unsplash

With all the reading and points of experience, I developed the habit of reading and deep thinking, to question every belief that I had, all the knowledge I had regarding the mind and how it works. I found myself writing down my internalizations of thoughts regarding issues that were quite intriguing such as: Do ideas and thoughts already exist in our minds before they exist in the physical world? If so, does it mean that what we conceptualize in the mind has already occurred before we even create it?

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Person Reading a book
Ben White-From Unsplash

10,000 was how it started; my writing habit turned into a lifelong commitment. From the notepad to Quora, “well if you want to solve the world’s problems then start with yourself”. From a curious thinker turned into a writer, to a forum moderator helping emotionally abused. Truth be told, I never took my writing seriously until the day my article touched just a single person, helping him make the tough choices.

It reminded him that his life is worth more than what he thinks and if we could just decide to love ourselves more and prove to ourselves that we are dependable, then we can change our life situations, and we can impact the world.

My quest for philosophy and self-improvement evolved to be an impactful habit not just for me but to those around me. All it took was 1 POST to change a life with my newly found habit. Throughout my years writing in Quora, answering puzzling questions, it was worth the effort with over 200 plus articles no comments were needed to validate that my writing was worth pursuing, until that one post.

That is why I write and will continue to.

Choose to work on yourself and build good habits, to not only change your life, but also others at large.

Thank you, guys for being part of my journey to reach 100 followers on this platform and subscribe for daily articles. Let’s create habits that stick.




Work IT/ System Dev/Innovation my passion || The world is my biggest puzzle-"Lets decipher it"-Contemporary Thinker https://www.linkedin.com/in/bennet-kambona/