In 5 years


4 min readFeb 13, 2023

Whoever believed that proverb, “Show me your squad and I’ll predict your Netflix queue for the next year”, ooh got you their Stranger Things lovers. I believe it goes like this, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future”. It should have been more like — “Show me your habits, and I’ll show you your future”.

Choices and habits

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Bear with me, our new proverb goes like this, “Show me your habits and I’ll show you your future” — this version would be more relatable, not all of us have friends…cough…what I meant to say is, we prefer more stay indoors until duty calls for friendship. It is possible to be surrounded by a group of bad friends, due to location and other factors, but that doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person. It is rather your choices, that will be influenced the more you engage with them, causing you to develop foreign habits that become your daily norm.

Group of friends
Friendship-From Unsplash

The previous proverb “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” –displays neglect of taking responsibility and accountability for your actions, but rather placing all the decisions and actions to the external environment which is your friends. We prefer pushing judgment to the external, neglecting to judge, and taking accountability for our actions. Cause if we do, we open ourselves to the painful reality, that we are the main villain, “Vecna” and our choices the “Demogorgon” –Not saying I haven’t watched Season 4, — also not saying you should check it out.

two elderly people playing chess
Elderly Wisdom-From Unsplash

Okay now that we know that our actions and choices are personal. We should take the consequences into our own hands, just as we did the choices. We should learn to take full responsibility and accountability. Not our friends, family, Netflix, and government. It’s up to us to decide to live a fulfilling life. Two deep questions I ask myself before I venture into the “Upside down” aka bad habits, I vision the result that would come from the action as I question.

Q1, Will I regret in the next five years that I chose [the habit or decision], I gave my time away to build someone else’s dream? Or become a slave to [the habit or decision]?

Q2, If I ever had kids, what would I tell them to do?

Hugs-From Unsplash

Before we blame our friends, we should first judge ourselves, at the end of the day or five years to come, guess who will be suffering, the pain of regrets and pain of loss, that is if it’s not you who decided otherwise. Let’s choose to do the right thing at the right time, so that we may choose to do our things in our own time, that is the ultimate freedom. It is the freedom of self, learning self-control, patience, and being loving and caring not only to ourselves but also to others around us.

Positive vibes are contagious believe me, I might have sprinkled some while writing this article. — Serve it in full and watch your five years become fulfilling. — See what I did there…

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