No Regrets

3 min readJul 25, 2023


That second word most of us hate to hear “Regrets”. It’s funny how we seem to always haunt ourselves with problems of the past, actions that we could have, might have, only if…

From Pinterest-BetterChoice

Oops, did I spill the beans? They say, ‘Lie to the world, but we can never lie to ourselves.’ Ha! Turns out, that’s not just some silly joke. As I’m about to hit the big 2–2, I’ve learned the hard way that my past has a sneaky way of catching up with me. It’s like that relentless dark shadow that sticks to you, dragging you back when all you want is to sprint forward into the future.

Seriously, can someone please hand me an ‘Eternal Sunshine memory eraser? Pretty please? I’m tired of reliving the cringeworthy moments and the embarrassing blunders. Can’t I just enjoy my present without being haunted by my past? If only I had one wish, just one, it would be to wave goodbye to my history and make a fresh start. Who’s with me on this one?

We become our worst enemies or may I say the past is our greatest enemy. Trying to fight the actions we did is futile, battling with oneself only leads to self-destruction and pain. It always seems to me that the mind tends to remind us of our long-lost goals, passions, neglect, and pain. Things we could have done better. It’s like it keeps records that we don’t see. I call it the sub-conscious mind, or “my greatest enemy”. Being somewhat introverted as some may claim, the mind is where I dwell. — Not to scare you from reality, but it’s like a silent stalker.

betheBetterChoice — Profile | Pinterest

Others may escape it, numb it down with alcohol, and others with chasing relationships, friendships, and all sorts of fleeting pleasures. We may forget it for a while. One thing is sure, it’s keeping watch. Tracking how you feel from your thoughts to your actions, recording what you say or not. — Not to scare you from reality, but it’s like a silent stalker.

So, I’ve decided to take a different approach — I’m making friends with my past. Yep, you heard that right! We’re going to sit down, have a cup of tea, and chat it out. I’ll forgive those cringy moments and maybe even laugh at them. After all, who doesn’t love a good laugh at their own expense?

Sure, we all make mistakes — some consciously, some not so much. But hey, that’s part of being human, right? Embracing our past, flaws and all, is what makes us who we are. And you know what? I’m ready to wear my past like a badge of honor, a reminder that I’m constantly growing and evolving.

So, here’s to you, my dear past! Let’s call a truce and agree to coexist peacefully. I won’t let you define me, and you can keep your occasional visitations. Together, we’ll create a future so bright that even the past won’t be able to resist tagging along for the ride. Cheers to a life full of laughter, self-forgiveness, and absolutely no regrets!

Choose to make peace with your mind, forgive yourself, and have a mind treaty to never go back on your word. It begins with thoughts, thoughts become words and words bring things to life. Working together with the subconscious builds trust and confidence to better your life in the present, you may be surprised by what your future becomes.

betheBetterChoice — Profile | Pinterest

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