Unlock the secret to magnetizing people with the power of motivation


3 min readJan 24, 2023

“You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts.” — Brian Tracy

“You attract what you are, not what you want”. –Jim Rohn

Leadership Image from Pixabay

Okay, guys hear me out…apart from love attraction is there an attraction that we use on a daily?

Is there a thing like a positive vibe? Does it even exist or is it just hearsay?

Motivation is a positive vibe, generally, people have two types of energy, positive and negative. Positive energy is creative, healing, and attractive, while negative energy is destructive, hurtful, and repulsive. Ever wondered why some of your friends just seem to find it easy to socialize and get a job and whenever they are around, people just seem to flock around them? Life seems to be going so perfectly. “Just like Po from Kung Fu Panda, they just seem to attract friends and foes with the power of dumplings and positive vibes”.

Henry Cavill-Superman From Pinterest

Can motivation and attraction be contagious?

These so-called energies apparently can be felt or aroused from one person to another. It’s how people in a bad mood tend to push people away from them and cause pain. Great leaders have learned how to channel the positive vibes from themselves and tend to infect everyone around them. Feelings and emotions can be felt like a radio receiver, what we give out is typically what we get. To make someone feel genuinely happy we have to be in the same emotional vibration to cause this.

Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi, the holy trinity of peaceful protests and powerful speeches, like the Avengers of civil rights. Okay, apart from their powerful speeches they managed to cause a massive impact on change. They mastered the skill of motivation attraction, they mastered their emotions and used them to attract people on the same line of thought.

Great leaders know how to inspire, and create enthusiasm, excitement, and action. As we discussed in the earlier articles, motivation is a mixture of emotions that catalyze action. To be a people magnet, you have to master how to create positive energy in yourself to inspire others.

Can we cheat ourselves into taking action?

Breaking the cycle of action

It’s time to turn that motivation into action! Let’s find out how to do it:

· Set clear goals.

· Make a plan.

· Take action-eliminate distractions.

· Reward yourself for progress.

Waiting to get a drive and arousal to action can cause procrastination and eventually make it harder to get things done, let’s break the cycle and make it happen!

Cycle of Action and motivation
RajRAS-Motivation types, Theories, and Assessment




Work IT/ System Dev/Innovation my passion || The world is my biggest puzzle-"Lets decipher it"-Contemporary Thinker https://www.linkedin.com/in/bennet-kambona/