Keywords, Identifiers, Variable & Constants in C.

Bennison J
1 min readDec 4, 2021


what are keywords?

  • keywords are predefined words. keywords have some special meaning.
  • keywords are part of the syntax. they cannot be used as an identifier.

for example: int amount;

int is a keyword that indicates amount is an integer type of variable.

type of keyords:


  • identifiers must be unique.
  • identifiers are created to give a unique names.


char name;

int balance;

C variable:

  • in programming, a variable is a cantainer to hold data.
  • To indicate the storage area, each variable should be given unique name.

example: int number = 20;

  • number is a variable of int type, here the variable is catained integer value 20.


if you want to define a variable whose variable cannot be changed, you can use the const keyword.

const number = 20;

  • number is a symbolic constat.
  • its value cannot be changed.

const pi = 3.14;

pi = 2.14; //error



Bennison J

👩‍💻 Software Engineer 🚀 UNIX/Linux ♥️ | JavaScript/Node.js 🔥 | SQL 📊 | Backend Developer 💻 | Tech Blogger ✍️ | Tech Enthusiast 🌟 |Continuous Learner 📚