Assassins Creed Mirage: Returning to the Roots of Stealth and Adventure

Benney Robinson Meshullam
5 min readNov 30, 2023
Assassin’s Creed Mirage

Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a thrilling action-adventure game developed by Ubisoft Bordeaux and published by Ubisoft. This highly anticipated installment in the Assassin’s Creed series takes players back to the origins of the franchise, focusing on stealth, parkour, and assassinations. Set in 9th-century Baghdad during the Islamic Golden Age, players step into the shoes of Basim Ibn Ishaq, a cunning street thief with a mysterious past. As Basim joins the Hidden Ones, an ancient organization fighting for peace and liberty, he embarks on a journey filled with intrigue, danger, and self-discovery.

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Rediscovering the Essence of Assassin’s Creed

Assassin’s Creed Mirage pays homage to the franchise’s early roots while incorporating improvements seen in recent games. The developers aimed to capture the spirit of the original Assassin’s Creed, where stealth and parkour were the core gameplay mechanics. Unlike the recent RPG-based entries, Mirage returns to a more linear and story-focused experience, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the world of stealth and assassination.

Exploring the Richly-Detailed City of Baghdad

One of the standout features of Assassin’s Creed Mirage is its stunning depiction of 9th-century Baghdad. The city is divided into four districts: the Round City, Karkh, Abassiyah with its House of Wisdom, and Harbiyah. Each district has its own unique atmosphere, with bustling streets, dusty slums, and hidden alleys to explore. The level of detail in the city brings it to life, making it feel like a vibrant and lived-in world. Ubisoft Bordeaux has done a remarkable job recreating the historical setting, allowing players to truly immerse themselves in the Islamic Golden Age.

The Return of Stealth and Parkour

Stealth is once again the focus in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. The game eliminates the XP and leveling system, bringing the franchise back to its stealthy roots. Every enemy can be dispatched with a well-timed hidden blade, rewarding players for their careful approach and strategic thinking. The city of Baghdad offers numerous opportunities to stay hidden, with multiple paths and hiding spots to exploit. The eagle scouting option from previous games also makes a return, allowing players to scout the area and plan their next move. The emphasis on stealth and parkour brings a refreshing challenge to the gameplay, requiring players to think like an assassin to overcome their enemies.

A Gripping Narrative of Mystery and Intrigue

The story of Assassin’s Creed Mirage follows Basim Ibn Ishaq, a young street thief haunted by nightmarish visions. His journey to uncover the truth about his past leads him to join the Hidden Ones, a secret organization dedicated to fighting for freedom. Basim’s internal struggle between his duties as an assassin and his desire for personal answers forms the core of the narrative. While some critics found the story rushed and predictable, others praised the focused and concise storytelling approach. The investigation board mechanic adds an element of choice and agency, allowing players to tackle tasks in any order they prefer.

Immersive Gameplay and Challenging Assassinations

Assassin’s Creed Mirage offers a wide range of gameplay mechanics to engage players and challenge their skills. The game features strongholds, such as high-security prisons and coastal fortresses, guarded by multiple enemies with staggered patrols and overlapping sightlines. Players must utilize the shadows, timing, and environmental elements to successfully infiltrate these well-defended locations. The arsenal of tools available to Basim, including the iconic Hidden Blade, smoke bombs, throwing knives, and poison darts, can be upgraded through a skill tree, allowing for various gameplay approaches.

Historical Accuracy and Attention to Detail

Ubisoft Bordeaux has placed a strong emphasis on historical accuracy in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. While the accuracy of the game’s many real-world locations may vary, the focus on finding and exploring historical sites is more pronounced than in recent entries. The city of Baghdad and its surroundings are meticulously crafted, with attention to architectural details and cultural nuances. The districts of the city feel alive, bustling with activity and populated by diverse characters. Collectible hunting enthusiasts will find plenty of hidden gems and secrets to discover, adding to the overall immersion and sense of exploration.

A Visual and Auditory Feast

Assassin’s Creed Mirage delivers a visual spectacle, with detailed graphics that bring the world of 9th-century Baghdad to life. The golden rolling dunes, vibrant city streets, and tropical oases create a breathtaking backdrop for players to navigate. The game’s sound design enhances the immersive experience, with ambient sounds, bustling crowds, and a fitting musical score that captures the essence of the time period. However, some critics found the combat mechanics to be clunky and the enemy AI lacking in refinement, detracting slightly from the overall gameplay experience.

The Legacy of Basim and Roshan

Basim Ibn Ishaq and Roshan bint-La’Ahad, the main characters of Assassin’s Creed Mirage, have sparked interest among players. Basim’s journey from a plucky cutpurse to a vengeful assassin is fast-paced, but some critics found his character lacking complexity. Roshan, Basim’s mentor, stands out with her expertly portrayed voice acting by Shohreh Aghdashloo. The supporting cast, while adequate, does not reach the same level of depth. However, the city of Baghdad itself shines as a character, with its vibrant districts and captivating atmosphere.

The Future of Assassin’s Creed

Assassin’s Creed Mirage sets a precedent for the future of the franchise. By returning to its roots and focusing on stealth and parkour, the game offers a refreshing take on the series. While some aspects, such as combat mechanics and storytelling, have room for improvement, Mirage successfully blends the best elements of the franchise’s early entries with the advancements of recent games. It offers hope that there is still room for a version of Assassin’s Creed that captures the essence of the original while incorporating innovative gameplay features.

Conclusion: A Must-Play for Fans of Stealth and Adventure

Assassin’s Creed Mirage presents an exciting opportunity for fans of the franchise to revisit the stealth-focused gameplay that made the series a success. With its meticulously crafted world, immersive gameplay mechanics, and a narrative filled with mystery and intrigue, Mirage offers a memorable and enjoyable experience. While it may not be the most ambitious game in the series, it serves as a reminder of the franchise’s roots and showcases the potential for future installments to strike a balance between innovation and honoring the core elements that made Assassin’s Creed a beloved franchise. Embark on this thrilling adventure in 9th-century Baghdad and rediscover the true essence of Assassin’s Creed.

