JMAP: e-mail 2.0In dark ages there was IMAP. With layers of complicated protocols that were added other the years, this inefficient protocol was ruling…Jul 29, 2024Jul 29, 2024
Open governance: differentiating “project” from “product”What is Open Governance?Jul 4, 2024Jul 4, 2024
LinViet 2019 team building!On the 25–26 October 2019, we planned to have some good time in La Vie Vu Linh Eco-Lodge, but things turned out in an unexpected way!Oct 29, 2019Oct 29, 2019
Published inLinagora EngineeringLinagora representing JAMES at the ApacheCon Europe 2019I started contributed to Apache JAMES as a shy guy proposing patches attached to emails to the James mailing list. Since 2015, I kept…Oct 29, 2019Oct 29, 2019
Published inLinagora EngineeringJMAP Result referenceOpenPaaS does rely on the JMAP protocol, an IETF draft for doing email over HTTP efficiently, to communicate with the Apache James mail…Jul 9, 2019Jul 9, 2019
Published inLinagora EngineeringFree Software development through shared governanceI first joined Linagora because I was eager to be involved into Free Software development — and had never had.Feb 27, 2019Feb 27, 2019
Published inLinagora EngineeringToward a polyglot James server…Java is convenient, everyone knows it, but for some tasks, Java is really annoying. Serializing stuff in JSON is one of them. Especially…Jan 25, 2019Jan 25, 2019
Published inLinagora EngineeringNext level Java 8 staged buildersStaged builders is a valuable tool to enhance and spice your builder.Jan 25, 2019Jan 25, 2019
Published inLinagora EngineeringHacktoberFest 2018: AppraisalAfter the last year success, Apache JAMES team @ Linagora decided to join the 2018 HacktoberFest again.Oct 29, 2018Oct 29, 2018
Published inLinagora EngineeringApache James joins Google Summer of Code 2018This year, some employees of Linagora will propose ideas of Google Summer of Code projects for students, as part of their work on the…Feb 9, 2018Feb 9, 2018