How to deploy a Grails 3 app to AWS Beanstalk and CloudFront CDN

Benoit Hediard
Stories by Agorapulse
5 min readSep 10, 2015


After sharing our initial experience on How to publish your Grails 3 plugin to Bintray few month ago, here is a quick guide on how we deploy our Grails 3 app to AWS Beanstalk with Gradle and Travis, a great combination of our weapons of choice.

Note: this is a follow up article to my 2014 Gr8Conf talk (Running a lean startup) and corresponding article (Running a Startup with Lean & DevOps culture), which was based on Grails 2.

On the Grails side

First step: we need a Grails 3 app.

  • run grails create-app my-app (or use an existing app),
  • edit grails-app/conf/application.yml to use in memory DB (to be replaced by our RDS config later)
dbCreate: update
  • run grails war or gradle assemble to generate the artefact to deploy.

On the AWS side

Next step: let’s deploy manually our Grails 3 app.

  • select Create web server to generate your first environment,
  • select Tomcat prefigured configuration,
  • select your own source and pick up you war file (my-app/build/libs/my-app-0.1.war)
  • enter environment information and unique URL,
  • and continue with the different settings for you environment (instance type, EC2 key pair, ), you can keep most of them by default,
  • once your ready, Launch your environment and wait for the magic of Beanstalk to happen…

Groovy !
Your Grails 3 app is running in AWS Cloud.

Now let’s automate the deployment by using the awesome Beanstalk Gradle plugin (

On the Gradle side

  • in your Grails app, edit build.gradle to add Beanstalk Gradle plugin,
plugins {
id "fi.evident.beanstalk" version "0.0.6"
  • add the corresponding configuration (after the apply plugin section),
beanstalk {
s3Endpoint = ""
beanstalkEndpoint = ""
deployments {
// Example to deploy to the same env
beta {
war = tasks.war
application = 'MyApp'
environment = 'beta'

With these settings, it will re-deploy to the same environment (which is usually fine for a beta/staging env).

If you run on more than 1 instance in production, Beanstalk will perform batch deployment (default to 30% of your fleet at a time) in order to get zero-downtime deployment.

Another option is to perform blue/green deployment for production, simply define an environment name based on your project version : the Beanstalk Gradle plugin will create a new environment for each release of your app. Then use “swap environment URLs” to perform zero-downtime deployment.

deployments {
// Example to create a new env for each version
production {
war = tasks.war
application = 'MyApp'
environment = "my-app-${project.version.replaceAll('\\.', '-')}"
// Saved configuration name to use to create each env
template = 'default'
  • now, to deploy your app with a new production env, simply run gradle deployProduction.

On the Travis side

Last step to build our deployment pipeline: configuring Travis to run our gradle task after a git commit.

language: groovy
jdk: oraclejdk8
sudo: false # To use new Travis docker-based infrastructure
- beta
- secure: "..."
- secure: "..."
- gradle deployBeta
  • configure Travis integration with your GitHub repo,
  • to automatically deploy your app, merge you develop branch to beta branch and push your commit!

BONUS — Static assets deployment to CloudFront CDN

Let’s add an extra step to our deployment pipeline: static assets upload to an S3 bucket (used as an origin for CloudFront CDN) with the Asset Pipeline CDN Gradle plugin, my first Gradle plugin ;)(

  • in your Grails app, edit build.gradle to add Asset Pipeline CDN Gradle plugin,
plugins {
id "agorapulse.plugins.asset-pipeline-cdn" version "0.1.1"
  • add the corresponding configuration (after the apply plugin section),
assetsCdn {
accessKey = System.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID')
secretKey = System.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')
region = 'eu-west-1'
directory = 'my-bucket'
storagePath = "assets/${}-${project.version}/"
expires = 365 // Expires in 1 year (value in days)
gzip = true
  • edit ./grails-app/conf/application.groovy to enable CDN-based hosting of your static assets in your production environment,
// Asset pipeline CDN assets
environments {
production {
// Put your CloudFront URL (or S3 bucket URL if you don't use CloudFront CDN)
grails.assets.url = "${appName}-${appVersion}/"
  • upload/sync your assets to your S3 bucket by running gradle uploadAssets,
  • And/or edit your .travis.yml,
- gradle uploadAssets deployBeta

Et voila!
You can now deploy your Grails 3 app to AWS Beanstalk and CloudFront CDN, with a single git commit.

Note: we’re hiring! Are you kick-ass fullstack or front-end dev that want to work on Angular 2, Java or Groovy? You must contact me to join our dream team in Paris!

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Benoit Hediard
Stories by Agorapulse

GenAI Enthusiast | Ex-CTO & Co-Founder @Agorapulse | Angel Investor